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Social in Sydney


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To the newcomers and the old hands...


Can anyone recommend a good way of meeting people / getting involved socially in Sydney area?


I realise it's a vague question, but if anyone has made social connections away from work or independently of existing friends or family, I'd love to hear what you've been up to!

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What sort of things do you enjoy doing? There are various groups around Sydney - try having a look at the Meetups website. There are groups for just about everything - from bootcamps to drinks. I've been to a couple, but have personally found that the more activity-based events are a bit less awkward than the standard drinks events! if you are into sport, that could be a good way of meeting people as there seem to be lots of teams/groups around. A few of my friends play netball and have met a lot of people through that.


I must admit that I most of my friends here through work initially (I've had 3 jobs since being here), but have slowly met more people through friends of friends etc.

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I have kids so I meet people through playgroup and now school, but I am also a member of a local area Facebook page and have seen people arrange get-togethers on there, so you could see if there is a page for the area that you are in. Loads of outdoor fitness/sport groups get arranged on there too, which might be worth trying if there is a particular sport or hobby you enjoy.

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I've made my friends mostly just through going to the local pubs. I was at a party on Friday arvo for a guy who became an Aussie citizen that day at Sydney Town Hall. I met him five years ago when we shared the same room at the YHA hostel at Central. He has a much better network of friends than me, made, I think from playing squash, or the pub, or at work. He flatters me by introducing me as 'the first person he met in Australia,' though he also says that when he saw 'this old guy' in his room, he complained to reception about 'one of the cleaners sleeping on his bed.'


I met my friend Alex at a party in Enmore. I gave her a lift home to Surry Hills. I met Tim, Russell and Trish at the Royal Exhibition hotel, just gradually getting to know them. It's also where I met Adrian, though we connected through football, as I did with Kurt in the Strawberry Hills, talking about AFL.


I met Nesli and Jan and Brigitte internet dating, becoming friends, rather than lovers.


I met Matt through his uncle Bill, whom I've known for thirty years. Matt is studying at a film school in Redfern where he also lives, so we can meet up, and I've introduced him to my friends. I met Lukas, also at the Royal Exhibition, forgot about that, Swiss guy studying English in Sydney. Again, I introduced him to my friends and to Matt.


I've got to know some guys watching Spurs at the Triple Aces bar, though I have little in common with many of them, apart from supporting Spurs.


I know some of the staff well enough in the pubs and cafes to call them my friends, though I may not actually 'socialise' with them, but they all know my name, as I do theirs.


I've 'pushed' myself on this second stint in Sydney to be more outgoing and talk to people, and I don't feel isolated any more. There is no 'escape' back to England now that my parents have passed away. I do have a brother here in Sydney.

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