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Help,I'm having troubles with ma pumpkin !!


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Evening all (good morning to some) :cool:


Are there any good cooks or chefs out there who can advise me, ( i have looked on a few websites but to no avail)

I like to roast my pumpkin similar to roast spuds but having greased the tray & also tried using greased baking paper my pumpkins keep sticking to the pan and have a soggy top to them :cry: they just don't roast up like a spud therefore any suggestions would be much appreciated ( i don't have troubles with ma parsnips) so what am i doing wrong with ma pumpkin ??

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Guest sheena

hi ya gizmo, dont think your doing anything wrong, sometimes things like these are like some potatoes that dont like to be boiled!!! just make sure the tray is non stick (i know some say they are but in truth are rubbish!) and the oil is really hot before you put the pumpkin in, enjoy!!

sheena :smile:

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Since we lived here I never boil my spuds or pumpkin before cooking!

With the pumpkin I usually chop into large chunks, drizzle in olive oil in a glass pyrex dish, season and add a sprinkle of flour and roast.


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Hi Girls,

Thanks for the replies & tips

Felicity - i dont have any worries with ma sweet potatoes

Lesley - i have done almost what you suggest except a glass pyrex dish, perhaps thats it ma pumpkin may prefer glass to a baking tray & i never par boil either

Will give it another go - thanks again ladies



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Guest kiwi

It has to be really dry, so use a clean tea towel or try dusting in seasoned flour and then roll each side in the oil before you put it in the oven.

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Guest JoanneHattersley

Glad I spotted this! I L-U-R-V-E pumpkin and have to persuade my OH to cook it!!

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