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How to prove Contractor Work experience?


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Hi guys,


I am claiming 5 points for my work experience. I am currently employed as a full time contractor (getting payed on ABN).


To get payed i send my employer an invoice on a fortnight basis with the services i have provided for that period.


What is the best way to prove my work experience to get the 5 points?


I can definitely get an employment reference letter saying that I am a full time contractor.


What else can i use for this? Someone advised me to use a bank statement? Do i need to show a bank statement for a whole year or?



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Tax records?



Most of the work i am claiming is from this year and I have not done any tax yet. I have got the tax for the months that I am claiming from last financial year, so i will definitely include that document.


What other documents can i use?

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Most of the work i am claiming is from this year and I have not done any tax yet. I have got the tax for the months that I am claiming from last financial year, so i will definitely include that document.


What other documents can i use?


Whatever you have? You must have something that proves you are bringing in income. No need to over think it.

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Whatever you have? You must have something that proves you are bringing in income. No need to over think it.


I have the following:


Invoices that i have sent to my employer every fortnight

Employer reference that i am working there as a full time contractor with my weekly duties

Tax return but only for last year (includes 3 months of work in my current workplace)


I can also get a document from my employer that confirms that all the invoices I have provided have been paid.


Would this be enough?


The problem is with my bank statements, because few times my employer has paid me cash instead of wired transfer, and if i provide bank statements these payment obviously would not be on the statement. What are my options in this situation? Are bank statements a 'must' in my case or the documents above should be enough?


Thanks guys

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