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Sydney- Dec 2015.


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Hi guys,


I'm planning on heading to Oz in December this year... Christmas day to be precise as the flights are cheaper. :wink:



I've just got a couple of questions...


I've been hearing that it is getting much harder to find a job? I have worked in a hotel and bar for the past 3 years and have a degree in media production so was hoping to get something in one of these areas. I'm not going to be shy about hitting the pavement and trying to find one. I'm going to spend a few weeks enjoying sydney life first as its holiday season but then I would like to find work. Anyone have experience around this?


Secondly... Anyone heading out around this time that would like to meet up? Always looking to meet new people!!:cool:



Lastly... Does anyone have any hostel recommendations? I've seen a few that i like the look of but i'm still browsing.


Thanks :) x

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Hello Kayleigh!


Welcome me to the forum :) if you've got bar and hotel experience then you've got a good chance of finding hospitality work. I'm just not sure about that month, maybe a sydney local could answer that for you. I want to be in sydney for new year so it's something I've been wondering too. I've heard wake up being mentioned as a good hostel, can't think of any others at the moment but I'll try x

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Join the YHA before you leave the UK. They have some good hostels in Sydney - all over OZ, I guess, though the only one I've stayed in is the one (of two) at Central, corner of Pitt St and Rawson Place I think. There are two YHA hostels by Central. There are heaps of private hostels around there too, in George St and Pitt St, another YHA on in The Rocks, and more in Kings Cross.


But, BUT, B.U.T! Xmas and New Year week in Sydney is the busiest week of the year so if you have not booked a room yet, I don't know, they could be all booked up now?


Look at 'Bounce' hostel too.


And sign up for your RSA (Responsible Service of Alcohol) certificate which you need to work in bars.

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Oh crap I forgot about yha - duh! I've heard good things about the central one and the one beside the harbour. I looked at those for new year but the harbour one was sold out and only a few beds left in the central one. If you are planning on staying a few months you might be better to get a flatshare? Especially with nearly everywhere being booked up for Christmas and new year. There's a few left if you look on hostel bookers website but they don't have great reviews

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Infact if you haven't booked your flight yet then I wouldn't - Id book it for either before Christmas or early January. Most hostels have at least a one week policy - some are 2 weeks so if they are mostly all booked up you're probably going to find it really hard unless you book something very soon

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Thanksguys, I have been worrying about that to be fair. I was excited of the prospect of flying with Emirates for really quite cheap but I've just had a look at after new year and flights arent that expensive with other airlines. I think I might fly out early January now :)


Thanks for the welcome! you may see me posting a bit now... This site seems like a godsend for information haha.


Thanks for the hostel info, I'll look into all of those!

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I stayed at Wake Up in Sydney and had no complaints! Stayed in a mixed gender shared dorm and it was clean enough. The bathrooms were shared (as opposed to individual toilet/shower rooms) but they were split between male and female.

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