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Moving back to the UK.. Advice.


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SugaredApple, how wonderful you got to grow up in Wales! Wonderful! It is very simple. Listen to you gut, and your heart. Don't worry about what "others" think. Trust you instinct. You married, you had a baby. Your first priority is to your immediate family (not extended) and your gut instinct. I think you came on this forum seeking affirmation, England is where you should be. Well, go back to England! Trust your instincts.


So gbye grey sky, are we finally on the same page?? I feel you love the facts and preciseness. Fair enough. My hubby like that. I thought as I typed maybl Hertfordshire did belong in South East, but I probably did not really care for facts. I tired, and have had sooooo many issues since coming back to NZ/Australia, that I will just speak my mind actually.


We came back for grandparents, half of them dead now, and everything been a struggle. (Many more to factor in, but this is about SugaredApple). Where do you actually want to live???? because isn't Surrey pretty damn good? I stand by my reasoning, England better than Australia. SugaredApple, go home. That's what you imply.

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Ok, so originally I was born in qld Australia after my English parents had spent 10+ years here. At a very young age we moved back to the UK, after some other several year stops around the world. I spent 12 years in Wales in the United Kingdom & was very settled, had two children & married all by the age of 21. It was then my parents & older sister & her husband & children decided they all wanted to move back to qld. Having not remembered all of it & in fear of being left pretty much alone, my husband & I decided to move with them. We have now been back in qld, in the same town I was born for 2 & a half years. For the first 6 months I was content, honey moon period etc. Since then I have been itching to leave, despite trying to make myself like & enjoy the country, as has my husband & eldest daughter (7) who still remembers aspects of home. We have saved enough money to just scrape our airfares one way, our dogs flight costs, shipping & barely enough to put a deposit down to rent when we get back to England or Wales. My concerns are, my husband has a managers job over here with very good pay, holiday hours etc. We live comfortably most weeks & if so desired we could afford to buy with our savings if we were approved a mortgage. Once we get back home, we are going to be skint & counting pennies, especially now with all David Cameron's plans for the UK. We will never be able to afford to buy a home & I doubt my husband will ever be in such a high up position with great pay... But... Our hearts are set on going home. I will have to say goodbye to all my family & I will probably never be able to afford to come back. I know ultimately it is our decision, I am just looking for advice. Everyone I speak to says I'm stupid, but for me Australia is not what it's cracked up to be. I am not fond of the schooling, the eating conditions in the schools, the curriculum & with such bad heat I don't enjoy being as out doorsy as I was. I walked every where in the UK, took the children to feed the ducks, trips to the park, splashed in puddles, the sound of the ice cream man & just the fact I enjoyed walking even in the blizzarding cold. I no longer enjoy being outside for longer than I have to, I break out in heat spots still, headaches & I am sad to admit I don't do half as much with my children outside as I once did.. I'm just looking for advice, not judgement. Apologise in advance for any possible spelling errors as I am typing this on my phone.



just be very sure before you go back especially if money will be short. i were desperate to go back but after a few months hated it & cried all the time knowing i made a terrible mistake. was hard to save enough to come back to oz and only made it when family helped out.

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So are you happy now Booma? Just wondering because your picture is so freaky, and you seem to not give out much positive. (myself included)/ You are a school teacher??? Great respect. My dad was one. But what are you really about?? Share the facts, how is Australia better than England for you. Are you actually happy

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Summer in Melbourne as been awful the last few years. IMO the state you live in isn't the problem. If you want to go home do whatever you have to to get there. I've only got two more weeks to go before I'm free and I can't wait. Australia has been good to me I've had good jobs a big house and nice cars but I've always felt like a didn't belong here. Friends are very hard to make here. I'm a friendly person but it's hard to socialise (in Victoria) here. I'm sorry sitting around in 30+ degrees heat talking about the footy (sorry you use your hands it's not football) or the aussies beating the poms whilst eating burnt meat and watching people get completely drunk is not my idea of fun. I know not all aussies are like this but the BBQ is the norm over here. If I suggested going for a walk in the countryside (bush) or going to a museum to people here I would seriously be laugh at. Anyway Australia as worn me down and it's time to go home. If I fall over in the UK so be it at least I would know but to be honest I would rather be dead poor and happy in England than rich and bored to death here.

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Best of luck foolboy. Good on you. Enjoy going home to socialise over quality conversation, not burnt meat, and not drunken hooligans to hold a conversation. Enjoy a quality wine (or bear) bar in England (or pub), with quality conversation, and not going home drunk, but remembering good conversation and good wine (or beer). That's what I remember. Bless. And at least in England people wore shoes not "thongs"!

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Good for you buzzy-bee but I've lived in Melbourne a long time and it's def more humid now than 20 years ago but I'm fair skinned with red hair and the sun is not my friend. I'm glad you have a good social life but some people fit in with the aussies and some don't. I hope you continue to enjoy the footy talk and the burnt meat. Go Demons.

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We are on a 2 year plan, to save as much as we can before we head home. Nothing is wrong, we live in a picture perfect paradise, both have good permanent jobs, citizenship and 2 Australian born "English" children. But the heat and working outside is killing my husband and yes while we do have friends, my true friends will remain wherever we go. And it is simply getting to "that" time! We have been here 12 years and are both starting to resent the restrictions. Not going back specifically for family, but it would be a lie to say being in the same country and having some support is not a positive. Do what makes your heart sing, everyone has different needs and no one will fully understand? So do what you need to make yourselves happy :cute:

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