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Resident Return Visa Granted after 2 years thanks to Thames Migration


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I just wanted to post a very cut down version of events leading up to our RRV being granted, the last post I made on Pomsinoz was to ask for an agent to help us in 2013.

Back in August 2012 we were all set to leave the UK for Brisbane on our PR136 visa when my wife Tracey needed to have an urgent operation, this caused us to cancel everything including flights, quarantine for 2 dogs, accommodation etc. After her operation we only had a few weeks before our visas expired but Tracey was not allowed to fly for a few months so it meant that our visa's did expire.

I called Australia House and explained our situation and they said we could apply for an RRV but I may require a job offer as our total time in Australia was only 9days which was our visa validation visit back in 2008.

Since then we tried 3 migration agents (1 very well known on the forum) to help us through the process but none was willing to help or take our case until by chance I received an email in September 2014 inviting us to an Australian open evening hosted by Hannibal from Thames Migration in London, this was odd because I had never heard of the company before so I emailed back explaining our situation and a lady called Deepika replied asking for all the details of our case. A few days later she telephoned me and said they would be willing to take our case and sent us all the forms to start the process.

During the next few months I managed to acquire a job offer through one of the agency's that Thames Migration recommended to us and this was added to our application along with all our other paperwork. Anyway our application was submitted and we got the visa granted a few days ago and are over the moon, we have now started to prepare to leave for Oz as soon as our dogs can be processed for quarantine.

Thames Migration sorted everything for us and I cant praise them enough because without them we would not be getting ready to leave for Australia, from the beginning there attitude was very different from the other agents we had tried as our case was not easy and I am so glad we found them and I would totally recommend them to anyone.

We are all Hoping to be in Adelaide by Christmas and look forward to meeting up:hug:

All the best

Phil, Tracey & Jessica


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That's fabulous news for you- after the initial disappointment in the Agents you approached this one even helped you find a job?

I know at least a couple of people who would be glad to to hear of a really helpful agent so thanks for posting & good luck with the move :)

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