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186 Visa Question

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Hey Guys,


I have a question, myself and my girlfriend came to Perth in September 2011. I remained here and got sponsored and now am on 186 PR visa as of 1 month. She actually went back to Germany in April 2013 to Study at University as it is free there and the costs here were too much.


Question is her studies finish the end of this year in Germany and she wants to come back to start a future with me as we have been doing the long distance thing now for about 2 years!


Is this possible to add her to my visa what are our options?


Is it even possible?


Any help appreciated?

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Hi Joeldee


As your 186 visa has already been granted, no further secondary applicants can be included.


Your girlfriend will need to explore other avenues like a potential partner/spouse visa application, with you as the sponsor.


Much will depend on your exact circumstances and it may be worthwhile for you to talk to a registered migration agent near you.




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You should speak with a migration agent. Sponsoring a de facto partner with 2 years living apart is possible but would be a complicated application that would benefit from professional assistance. Did you include her as a non-migrating dependent on your 186 application? If not, you can expect to be questioned if you suddenly claim to have had a de facto partner for the past 3.5 years.

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The only option that your girlfriend may have is to look for Partner Visa as De-facto.


However, showing appropriate documentation for De-facto relationship might be difficult considerign that you both live apart.





Hey Guys,


I have a question, myself and my girlfriend came to Perth in September 2011. I remained here and got sponsored and now am on 186 PR visa as of 1 month. She actually went back to Germany in April 2013 to Study at University as it is free there and the costs here were too much.


Question is her studies finish the end of this year in Germany and she wants to come back to start a future with me as we have been doing the long distance thing now for about 2 years!


Is this possible to add her to my visa what are our options?


Is it even possible?


Any help appreciated?

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