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PMV to 820/801 - Update on timeframes for my 820 which has been granted


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Hi Guys,


Just thought id provide an update for those who are in the same position as myself.


My PMV was applied for from the UK in October 2013 and Granted June 2014.


Moved here in August 2014 and got married to my wife in the September which was awesome.


Applied for the 820/801 on December 18 2014. Was granted a bridging visa A.


Now i have read a lot of comments on how long this would take and was expecting a longer wait. However i may have nudged them as I had to change my passport and apply for a BVB to travel next week. As i heard nothing on both fronts after sending my documents in the mail in February, I called immi and emailed them to see what the i should do as i have travel booked.


At this point i was asked for the SP40 as we forgot to send my wifes document through, so we just filled in the details on her online account and linked this to my own application rather than print and fill the form. I was also allowed to change my passport online which previously we could not do as the application was in progress.


The to my amazement the 820 Visa was granted 23 April 2015.


Now I currently await the 801 but at least it is unrestricted travel and no $140 BVB costs :)


I think it just shows that if we give them a reason to look at your account and its all ready to go then they may just get it out of the way and move on to the next. Its nice to see they had the common sense to grant my next visa rather than process a bridging visa B so good on you Immi!


Also Id like to reassure some people around employment prospects who may have felt as I did - anxious.


I applied for roles prior to my entry but was difficult. Naturally we may not be able to assume the same roles we had back home immediately. I used to be an investigator for the government but had to be realistic as i didnt have citizenship or even PR. There are roles here, in fact more than we think and i got a job 10 mins away from home in the eastern suburbs temping for $27 PH which helped to settle me in and lose the financial worries of no employment. Then i was offered permanent employment shorty after. Since i had that role the next jobs were easier to come by as potential employers can see you have a work history and assume there are no issues with your visa and become less cautious. Now i am earning considerably more than that with another firm back in my original line of work. I have also applied and been successful in other roles (but opted against them for other reasons) and my visa has not had any impact on the application process whether that be BVA, PMV or 820. Now I have the 820 i have had my credit card application approved and because my wife is a PR we can also apply for a home loan and get this approved due to a strong line of similar employment to that of the UK (informed to me today by a trusted family friend mortgage broker) and attempt to get on this crazy Sydney property ladder even with a smaller deposit as we can use a guarantor.


So it just goes to show............even when it feels that its going to be a hard slog, it does get easier and the more time you are here and live your life the more opportunities will open, just be positive :)

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Congratulations Im sure its a relief to you both,im currently on a pmv was lodged sept came over in oct married in feb we havent aplied for parther visa yet im panicking thinking we should of done it by now but hubby is so laid back he would fall over he wont be if im made to go home haha,, it doesnt state anywere when u have to apply well I cant find it anyway we have july till the pmv runs out im sure its got to have to be applied for by then??? Finding work is stressfull for me once again hubby likes the housewife im turning into lol I hate it

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I'm currently in the same position getting things together to apply for my partner visa from PMV. my hubby is also so laid back. I'm trying to get all the forms done and he's so unorganised lol. I keep reminding him needs to be done or I'll be going back to England lol. I'm using my passport with my maiden name on. Hope they don't ask me to get one in my married name.

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How long into the 9 months did u apply chloe im stressing out plus the cost I keep saying we should be getting things sorted,,falling on deaf ears lol,,, stressing me out I havent got a passport with my married name just my maiden and doesnt run out till 2020 so I hope I dont have to either lol

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I reckon hopefully if my hubby hurrys up I'll apply at the end of this month so 4 months into my pmv visa I will be. I know all the extra money for this is driving me crazy. I'm not Working yet either. My hubby seems to be happy with me being a housewife. I'm just finding the financial evidence hard to find as we are staying with family atm. Fingers crossed they don't make us get new passports then lol I've still got 8 years left on my English one.

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There is no rush to apply for the 820 aside from the fact that you will be get your PR granted sooner which helps with finance and other types of government employment. The only thing to bear in mind is to maybe apply sooner as your bridging visa A which means you cannot travel only comes into effect when the PMV expires. If you decide to travel while on the Bridging visa then you have to apply and pay for it which is bit of a pain.


Just apply online, its quite straight forward. We didn't include much, just the basics such as proof of marriage, 2 x 888 forms, copy of a joint bank account statement and a few other documents showing we are at the same address. We have no utilities as we did not have them in our name and the other documents for bills such as foxtel etc are all in individual names. Maybe also getting your NSW license after you have been here 6 months will also show that you are at the same address, and this is a good form of ID. We also popped a few photos from the wedding with family and friends etc. We also sent a future flight booking to Bali (which we are going to on sunday woohoo).


Generally most of your info will have been in the original application, we didn't include any of that as i didn't make copies - but we didn't really need them as only needed to show the time since the last visa in my eyes.


As for the passport, i applied with my old one and changed it, was easy once they let me do this online so that was good. My wife still has a passport in her maiden name and no issues with that.


As for your partner filling in their bit online - i submitted my application and then was asked for form sp40, so we logged into her account and linked this to the 820 application TRN and then it connected so get the application in first then do that. They dont check for documents straight away so lodge the application then add what you need over time so at least your application date is in. Your always going to be given the time and you will have your visa / BVB A instantly so no need to worry about being kicked out :P


As for jobs, it might be worth seeing some recruitment companies, send your CV and cover letters to the big firms in the area and keep checking sites like seek.com.au and there will be work around, even if just temping to get the CV built up and that work history so your not scaring off employers with the short visa stay. Just explain you have full work rights and its got no restrictions like a WHV and they will soon come around - i made this clear in my CV and just put i had an Australian visa with full working rights etc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
@sarahlouxx have you heard that the visa's are going up in July. Any idea if ours will increase.


Chloe, there's no way to know for sure, but the price rise for Partner visas will make offshore 309/100 visas (and PMVs) cost the same as an onshore 820/801 Partner visa instead of being much less expensive - the 820 will still be $6865 as at present so no price rise for that. Logic says that an 820 from an existing PMV won't rise but it really would be better to get your 820 application in before the end of June just in case.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Ooh Ive used my maiden name for all of it hope it wont make a difference,,do u know whats next then,,I hope it does too it said upto 12 months aswell that might be coz were already here on a pmv will have too see,,,bet ya made up its through I cant believe how much we have to do to stay here lol

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Ooh Ive used my maiden name for all of it hope it wont make a difference,,do u know whats next then,,I hope it does too it said upto 12 months aswell that might be coz were already here on a pmv will have too see,,,bet ya made up its through I cant believe how much we have to do to stay here lol

The name you apply in should be the name on your passport at the time, and the visa will be granted in that name.

If you change your passport name in the meantime you need to send a copy to DIBP and make them aware of the name change.

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