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lodge de factor subclass 820/801 by email or in person ???

Ryan Canavan

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Hey guys, my partner and i are 3 weeks from lodging our subclass 820/801 defactor visa. We are wondering which is the best way to lodge it, do we go and lodge at Brisbane in person? or should we do it electronically?. Anybody who has any hints or tips on this that would be awesome?,I am also a little confused as if we lodge application in person do we have to take originals or photocopies of evidence?.

thanks :)

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Lodge the application online and upload all documents electronically. If you do it that way, you can simply upload colour scans of original documents and will not need to have them certified. Online applications are easier, faster and more secure for you and DIBP.


If you decide (unwisely) to lodge a paper application, you must submit certified copies of all documents and should take note of the following advice from a DIBP Case Officer who emailed another applicant:


How Should I Put My Application Together?

Please do not make complex collations of your application papers. We waste a lot of time (and risk injury to life and limb) deconstructing applications which have been extensively stapled or artfully put together in complex folders with indexes, dividers and tabs. Do not use plastic inserts. Please leave the papers, loosely divided by slide-on paper clips if you feel it is absolutely necessary, in a simple stack. Application form on the top; sponsorship form next; key personal documents next (birth and marriage certificates etc); formal statutory declarations next; and other supporting documents last.


Please do not send us video tapes or photograph albums. If you would like to support your claims with photographs, please choose a representative selection and make a photocopy.


Please do not send us phone cards at all as they can tell us nothing. If you wish to send examples of correspondence, please be very selective and send copies only.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hey thanks for your reply, ive decided wisely to submit mine online. Quick question we just have to pay for the application now, after you pay, do you then go onto submut all your evidence and ID documents etc?? thank any help would be much appreciated :)

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