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Citizenship query

Fashionably Late

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My kids and I are eligible to apply for citizenship on 30/06/15. But we have to move in mid August to Dubai for work and for the kids to start the new school year there. Could I apply for Australian citizenship from the Australian embassy in Abu Dhabi as soon as we arrive there as I would have just left Australia or would it be possible to apply for Australian citizenship on 30/06 from Brisbane and hopefully be invited for the interview and test before mid-August and then fly back for the ceremony? Obviously it would be less hassle and less expensive to be able to apply from the UAE.

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When you apply for Citizenship I'd just tell them. They can speed up the process for emergencies. My OH is FIFO and they were happy to do the ceremony when it suited us. In the end by sheer flook, the date they gave us for test and ceremony he was home for, but they would have done it earlier.

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People sometimes forget that you are supposed to have an intention to remain in Australia when you apply for citizenship. So ringing and asking to bring it forward because you are leaving the country might not work out..

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People sometimes forget that you are supposed to have an intention to remain in Australia when you apply for citizenship. So ringing and asking to bring it forward because you are leaving the country might not work out..


I agree but if it's just tempory for work purposes, they would probably help.

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