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Am I qualified?


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I'm currently in Australia with working visa.

recently, I found subclass 835(remaining relatives visa) visa which gives me permanent visa by relative sponsor.

I wonder whether I'm qualified,

My condition is :

1. Step-father,Step-Mother,Step-brother,Step-Sister have New Zealand citizenship and they also have Australian Permanent residency.

2. I have one brother, mother

3. I want to migrate to Australia but my mum and brother don't want to leave for Australia.


Is it possible to move to Australia, for just only me?

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First, if your mother is not in Australia, then you do not qualify for a last remaining relative. Even if you could, this visa currently has a processing time of over 50 years. (That is not a typo).


Your best east option would be to enjoy your holiday, go home, get some skills and experience and look at applying later.

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Apart from the fact that the current processing time for a Remaining Relative visa is currently 56+ years, you wouldn't even be eligible to apply. You must have no parents or siblings, step or natural, who are not Australian citizens or PRs and living in Australia. Your mother and brother are not Australian citizens or PRs living in Australia so you simply don't qualify.


If you're serious about moving to Australia, get acceptable qualifications in an occupation on the SOL or CSOL and some work experience and then see if you can get a skilled immigration visa.

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