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Newly Diagnosed Macular Degeneration


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Dear Readers,

I have recently been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration ( 48 yr old). I am hoping to emigrate to Oz on Employer Nominated Direct Entry Stream. Do I need to be concerned about my Macular Degeneration ? My eyesight is excellent?

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What kind of macula degeneration? Age-related? Wet or dry subtype? The details of your condition will be very relevant to your migration agent so its worth getting a letter from your Ophthalmologist detailing the diagnosis (they will normally do a letter automatically following an initial appt).

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Do I need to be concerned about my Macular Degeneration ?




Your prognosis and the likely cost of treatment are the crucial factors that will be assessed.


There is curently no treatment for dry MD, which could degenerate to wet MD for which there is treatment, but currently no cure.


I pay about $500 about every 5 weeks for wet MD injections, heavily subsidised by Medicare, apparently on the basis that this is less costly than paying a 'blind pension'. It is possble and sometimes necessary to pay significantly more.


May I suggest that you consult a registered migration agent for advice about the format of a specialists' letter?

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Robert, I recently passed the medical with a condition similar to this (& my vision is quite considerably affected)As long as you can read the charts it seems you're ok - I did report my difficulties (ie I can only read with one eye) & was not referred or asked for Consultant's reports.(Mind you I was paying full whack for a Parent Visa- I don't know if there's any allowance given for that since it's so expensive)

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