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Visa cost


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It depends on which visa, how many people are making the move as there is a visa fee per person, any complicating issues such as medical problems. Even to some extent on the occupation as the main applicant for permanent visas will need a skills assessment and these vary in cost.

If you can tell us, the occupation of the main applicant (one of you must be in an occupation that is on one of two lists called the SOL and the CSOL)

The age of the main applicant

The length of time and qualifications in the occupation

Any medical or criminal history issues


However, it is interesting that you are asking about price as a first post. Be aware this is an expensive process and the visa fee is only a small percentage of the cost of emigrating. As well as the actual visa fee, there are medicals, police checks, skills assessment. That is just to get a visa. Then, flights, shipping belongings, short term rental, deposit for long term rental, car, replacing things you didnt ship, then living costs while job hunting

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You can get a rough estimate of the visa cost from the government website. What you are given is a list of all the visas you will be eligible for and then the costs for these in the currency of your choice.


If you go with an agent then add their fees on top.


Good luck.

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Depending on what visa you plan to apply for, you can find the costs on the DIBP website: http://www.immi.gov.au/Help/Pages/fees-charges/visa.aspx


For example, if you're applying for a 189 visa, look under the "Work" tab and then "General Skilled Migration", and refer to the table for 189 visa information. This is the fee for the visa alone. Costs for medical checks, police checks, skills assessments, migration agent (if used), etc. will be on top of this.

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Thanks Captain Roberto, that is good to know. There are four of us, my husband and I and our two young daughters. We are going to an expo next month and hope to get the ball rolling there. We're just tying to ascertain some kind of cost. We have a general idea and are more than ready to start the process. Its so exciting!!

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no probs at all :)


there is no 'single answer' to what it costs for all this - some sell up and spend more, coming out to Australia for a reccie, buy all new things and cars etc upon landing. Some try and do it on a budget, and in our case are renting out our UK place (we are in the 'on a budget' lot).


If it helps, extra costs for a family (roughly) are:




  • Medicals about £250 each person, but you pay more if you are in the medical profession for extra tests (£370 isn) - prices accurate in November 2014 - they might change a bit.
  • Visa - see above - prob around £3-£4k - you can search for that on the immi site




  • It costs about £3k to send a dog, and maybe a bit less for a cat - so pet shipping is quite expensive. This covers shipping, quarantine etc
  • Flights - can be booked for about £400 each and upwards. We got a decent deal direct with the airline.
  • Shipping - depends on how much you send. anywhere between £1500 - £7k (the less you send, the less you spend)
  • Agent - if you use one - between £2k and £3k - you can do it yourself - many do. But if you have an agent, that's what it'd cost for 4 of you.
  • Arrival funds need to be 2 or 3 months wages (minimum), and preferably money for 1st months rental / bond. It depends where you are going for the cost of this. For Sydney you prob need at least £10k - although some people already have jobs lined up, so might get by on less.
  • Short term accommodation - 4 to 6 weeks - Check out Airbnb, prices vary from city to city, suburbs and whether it's an in demand area etc



If you want to set yourself up with more stuff like cars you will need more money - but I have tried to stick to the total basics.


You could potentially spend a lot more - and possibly a bit less - but I reckon you need at least £15k - £20k to get started with kids etc. (Unless of course you have friends and family who can pout you up upon arrival for a while).


Good luck. It's exciting and scary all at once!

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Thank you so much for all the information.


Paul and I really appreciate the time you've spent detailing so much. We have friends in Brisbane who have said we can stay with them which is great. We would probably do that until our stuff arrives, then look to rent, set everything up and then move us all in. I want the girls to have all their stuff around them when we move into our new house, sounds silly but I think it's important.


We have found an agent so we may go down that route just so I know we have it all covered and we're doing everything right. Fingers crossed we will start the visa process next month.


thanks again!

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