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Recommend online IELTS tutor?


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Got the results of my 1st attempt at IELTS last week...

speaking 8.5

listening 8.5

reading 8.0

writing 6.5..... Bugger!


Can anyone recommend an online writing tutor that will mark and offer advice for improvement on practice essays?

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Hi, my husband had the same problem where he struggled with writing. I found an ex-examiner who marked his essays etc and also gave tips on how to word it differently etc. He only got 1 letter and 2 essays marked but it was a massive help and enough to help him achieve an 8 in writing which was great. I will dig out his email address and pm you with his details :-)

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Matt Thompson.

matt@British English online.Com very helpful fella and his tutor Monika helped me through mine. I had the words and 5he vocabulary but lacked the structure. These guys know what the examiners are looking for. They come highly recommended

I hope this helps :-)

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