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I know this might sound silly,but how do you know it's depression. Im ok most days,and other days i cant cope with anything.every single day at around the same time i get this weird feeling in the pit of my stomuch,like im on a rollercoaster ride,or that ride that goes shooting up and come back down,(the only way i can explan it).docs are still taking blood tests but im thinking if all is clear,i think i may be depressed?if so,does anybody know hw much psychologists or counseling cost here in oz?i just hope its not too expensive. Thanks.

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The doctor can do a screening test with you. If s/he then decides that counselling would be a benefit they can coordinate a mental health plan for you which would be covered by Medicare. Even if it isn't depression but your feelings are impacting on your daily life and making it hard for you to get through every day you can start to help yourself before it gets too hard. The ANU Moodgym is a good starting point, as is the Beyond Blue website. There are also some good strategies on The Happiness Trap website. Pick one that gels with you. Good luck, feeling unsettled is very uncomfortable.

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I have had anxiety on and off for over 20 years, and once or twice it spiralled into depression. When it's gets bad, you know it! I got stuck in your own thoughts and lose interest in most other things. It was bad. But it was just a phase.


Everyone is different, so there is no 'one size fits all' condition, and similarly no 'one size fits all' treatment. Personally, the way I see is it, it's just a case of being ill, no different to any other physical illness, and it passes (like flu). I learned quite a bit from my worst times of stress, and have got better at coping since, so it's possible that in the long term you could benefit from this time. Now if it happens, I don't panic about felling bad (like I did in the past).


Go and see your GP. I once took medication for about 18 months, but have found counselling (CBT) much more useful. I also found that addressing whatever it is that's making you depressed/stressed/anxious/down at some point will help. With me, there was usually a lot going on in my life to make me feel stressed. Counselling is good. They helped me untangle my thoughts, and i could see why I was stressed out.


In the meantime, there are loads of relaxation' MP3s available. You download them to your computer, sync them to your phone or iPod, lie on the bed and get some headphones on. They can can provide some relief from physical symptoms. Try this fella, or if you hunt about, you can probably find some freebies on the web.


It's more common than most people realise. 1/3 of us get some kind of mental health problem at some point, but with most people I know they get better. I usually see a counsellor who usually tells me that 'it's ok to feel a it crap, and it'll pass', and basically to be 'kinder to myself'. it's not uncommon and happens to regular people.


The NHS has some useful pages on this kind of thing here and here


You'll be ok! best to try and address it and try some stuff. Something should help - and you'll be better in future.

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