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Which comes first, the job or the accomodation?!?!


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Moving back to the UK in July I have decided to base myself in Bournemouth.


I have signed up to a few job sites as obviously I want to find a job as soon as possible when I get back. I also intend to find a house share to begin with.


But, do I get the job first, then find accomodation after that, Or, do I find somewhere to live, even if I dont have a job yet?


It is unlikely that I will have a car, so will be based about an hour away with limited public transport and very limited use of a car (thanks mum!) Obviously livning there will make the job hunt easier but it is hard to know where to base myself when I dont know where I will be working.



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If you can't stay with family or friends,and you don't have the money to pay say 6 mths up front,I would probably consider the job option first.I've moved all over the UK,and never had any problem finding work,so in that regard you hopefully won't either.Can you try and line up a job before you leave Oz?Via Skype,or maybe someone you know might be able to offer you something?Join some agencies.I recently quit my full time NHS job,and haven't been out of work yet!

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You might find it hard to get accommodation without a job, also are you certain you will find work in Bournmouth? I would keep things flexible until you're sure where you are working and what you can afford.

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There's always "The Lady"magazine.At the back of the mag there is a positions vacant section.You agree to work for someone (usually includes free accomo)and in return you do housework/gardening/childminding or whatever they require.Wage included.Good for temp measures and it would give you time to find something of your own.

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Its tricky, because obviously the job hunt would be so much easier if everything is on the doorstep. I would be happy to stay at a BnB for a week or two, but what if I dont find a job in this time?


I can live at my mums, but that is over an hour away and my transport would be limited. Also, if I put my address as here, would that cause employers to overlook my resume?


I am certain that this is where I want to be based. I am happy to take a less qualified job for a short time as long as it allows mt to be in the area.

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