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The Very Usefull List..?


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Hi Guys ..

I remember reading a very useful list of all the things that need to be done in preparation for going back home ..Cant find it anywhere, could some one point me in the right direction please....TIA ....


I think this is it


Top 20 tips for moving back to UK

(Anyone think of anything else?!)


1.) Write a 1, 3, 5 yr plan

2.) Write this individually/couples/family

3.) Think why you left in 1st place (help determine where to move)

4.) Don’t underestimate how long it can take to re-settle.

5.) 5yrs* is harder

6.) Move in summer (creates positive memories!)

7.) Expect to miss oz

8.) Have regular review points - is everyone benefiting/happy

9.) Don’t expect to just slot into extended family, dynamics change particularly after 5yrs*

10.) Have a top 20 list of places to visit in UK

11.) Join national trust

12.) Buy a tent - is big over here now

13.) Join Tesco club card - great for days out savings to parks etc

14.) Book an overseas holiday in your 2nd year back

15.) Expect year 3 to be naff, novelty worn off

16.) With the pioneering spirit you've gained do something new, set up a business/renovate a property. Take courage!

17.) Be kind to yourself

18.) Be kind to yourself

19.) Research areas to move back to

20.) Don’t believe the doom mongers, it is comparable to

any other 1st world country. Determination and

planning are key. Roman wasn't built in a day!

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