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North Korea vs Australia - nuclear stress

Guest Klarynxx

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Guest Klarynxx

Prime minister of Australia John Govard claimed that "..nuclear tests of North Korea was confirmed by seismological data",©

Associated Press.

In connection with increase of probability of nuclear attack from the direction of North Korea Minister of Defence of

Australia along with Ministers of Defence of China, South Korea and Russia signed a memorandum on infliction…

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Guest stuckinblighty

ohh i do hope house prices now crash in aus and i get more $ for my pound :wink:


*waits for a torrent of abuse*



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Guest xxsweetpeaxx

Hi All,


This subject intrigues me, I am not particulaly political and while I am aware what happens in the UK and the US with regards to warmongering etc I havent a clue where Aus stands politically on things like the United Nations, other peoples battles, and war in general.


I'd always assumed..maybe mistakenly that Aus is a peace loving nation and doesnt get involved, not to the same degree as we do that is.


Are there any threats to Australia from a war point of view?





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I'd always assumed..maybe mistakenly that Aus is a peace loving nation and doesnt get involved, not to the same degree as we do that is.



Priceless, nothing like a good laugh to start your Sunday. SP you'll find Oz much more likely to go to war, as if you think the UK is a lap dog to the US you 'aint seen nothin' yet!


Howard's party is Liberal which to you means Tory. He was positively chomping at the bit to send troops. Australia also volunteeredtroops for Vietnam before actually being asked to supply any (in fact I'm not sure if they were ever asked).


Problem for Australia is where it positions itself with China. Australia is an Asian nation, despite how much it doesn't want to be, and cuddling up to the US in trade and foreign conflicts puts it a bad position should China ever invade Taiwan, because the US will forcibly oppose that and expect Oz to help. Little Johnny (as he's known here, amongst other things :wink: ) will be stuffed as without China Oz cannot export commodities like coal and uranium on the scale they currently do.


Little Johnny wants it both ways. Trade from China and the protection of the US and he can't have both for the long term future.


This is the conflict I'd be most worried about, that and the terrorist threat from Indonesia.


As for North Korea, despite what has been reported, South Korea, Japan and the US have all come out and said now that they can't confirm 100% it was a nuclear test. Australia jumped the gun a bit.


I know more than most punters about the NK and SK physche because I'm married to a Korean and have spent quite a bit of time there. Families were ripped apart in that conflict when the border went up. Actually SKwould not be opposed to unification to re-unite families but NK has basically said, (rough translation) 'we cannot put our hand in yours whilst you hold the hand of the US'.


NK does not have the capacity to reduce a nuclear warhead to the size it needs to be deployed via missile, that is a huge leap in technology even if they had a nuclear weapon. So any hostile act would have to be via coventional missiles, most probably on Japan.


Any land invasion would have to go through the 48th paralell (DMZ) and I can't see that working, and even if it did, SK built a huge satelitte city called Ilsan in the north of Seoul to delay any land invasion in order that sea and land based troops in the south (Busan, Deujong etc) could be mobilised.


I seriously doubt any threat to Oz. Interestingly a South Korean has been appointedSG of the UN now.

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Little Johnny (as he's known here, amongst other things :wink: )


"Bonsai Howard"... Just another little Bush...


Fact is that anyone who wanted to invade Australia would have a hard job... Getting ashore would be no problem, but if you came in from the north, there is 3000km of desert between you and the major centres on the eastern or Western seaboard... and that is a lot of logistics for anyones army. ...and missiles would need to be seriously long range, and that means ICBMs that very few countriues have (US, UK, France, Russia or China) ...bomber attacks on mainland cities would need to have at least 16 hours flight-time to get here, drop and return.


Australia will rely on its relationships with the US and UK if it ever happened.


The only possible suspects would be Indonesia or China... and right now Indonesia can't afford it and they know that the US would immediately "turn them to glass", and for China it would mean all-out war with the US, that I am sure wuld not be a good idea (MAD= Mutual Assured Destruction).


Agree with Alan that the China-Taiwan thing is the probably the most likely trigger if it was to happen at all.


Terrorism... we have been lucky so far, but it is bound to happen at some point... but that makes us no different from the UK or mainland Europe.... except that it is harder to get here, ..harder to hide.


North Korea? Sabre Rattling. Did you ever see an old Peter Sellers film called "The Mouse That Roared"? (Ealing Studios).


....The story is about a miniscule European state, the duchy of Grand Fenwick, which sees a way out of bankruptcy by declaring war on the US (to be followed by a quick surrender, and lots of reconstruction aid from the generous victor and other countries). An invasion force of 20, with 12th century chainmail and crossbows, is dispatched to New York. ...But by mistake, the commander captures a nuclear Bomb, along with its inventor and his beautiful daughter, and brings them back to Grand Fenwick. ....the US Surrenders....


:lol: :lol: :lol: 8) :lol: :lol:

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Agree with Alan that the China-Taiwan thing is the probably the most likely trigger if it was to happen at all.


This Alan must be a nice chap, he agrees with me :lol:


Pretty good summary Fraser. I get the inpression Kim Jong Il is posturing and sabre ratling to assurt his leadership with his own people (ie I am tough) than any real military threat. It's a bad attempt at blackmail if you ask me.


BTW we watched the Korean news on SBS this morning and Yoosun (wifey) said that SK's ivestigations lead them to believe that something went badly wrong with whatever test they did do. Not sure how they know that but that's what was reported.

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Guest Missiemo
ohh i do hope house prices now crash in aus and i get more $ for my pound :wink:


*waits for a torrent of abuse*




Oh Lee you naughty boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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