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Karman Shipping - Shipping our car to Oz


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We are about ready to start shipping our car to Australia and I wondered if anyone had experience with Karman Shipping? We have been royally stung on the shipping company we used to ship our household belongings (thank god we decided to keep the car shipping separate!) So wanted to double check if anyone had had experience with Karman or any other good car shipping company for that matter..


Any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated!

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Never heard of them. They should have given you a breakdown of costs you will face in addition to shipping to get the car cleared and on the road here.


we used Iron Lady imports and they were very clear on the costs, they gave us worst case castings and it was actually a bit cheaper in the end even though there were some extra costs with compliance issues.


What costs are you expecting, what were the problems with the other shippers? Remember don't name names but just give us an idea of the problems.


i do think some shippers are a bit vague with the detail if you don't know what to ask, the don't volunteer the answers.

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If you search on this site for Karman, you will get lots of threads. I have not read a bad review about Karman. However, Iron Lady imports has been used by most folks on this forum and I will be using Iron Lady in the very near future.

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Great - thanks for your help. I've just got in touch with Iron Lady so will wait to hear from them. Our household shipping has been a nightmare... the company 'disappeared' overnight. There is talk of them going into liquidation, but still nothing official on that. We paid upfront for shipping and insurance that never existed, so BAR had to get involved and instruct another shipping company to take over affected customers' shipments. When our stuff was collected and restored in the new shipping companies warehouse, until we're ready to ship, we were told that there were various high priced items missing completely or damaged. We have then had to pay the new company again for the shipment.. so as you can imagine a good few grand down and a much lighter and lower value shipment en route.


Because of this we are a little nervous about shipping companies in general as you can imagine so are keen to do as much research as possible before we ship our car.

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