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Will you light a candle,shine a torch or turn on a porch light ?


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Hi All,

Tomorrow (sat 3rd) will be the exactly one year since Madelenie McCann vanished from the villa in Praia Da Luz.


I see from the Sun newspaper that they are asking people from around the world to light a candle, shine a torch, or turn on a porch light in their "Light the way home campaign & even Everton Football Club are going in (good on 'em)


I for sure will light a candle, will you ???


MADDIE McCann's parents prepare for the first anniversary of her abduction | The Sun |HomePage|News|Maddie

Finding Madeleine



gizmo x

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Guest LynTrc

My light will be on!!!! I cant think of anything worse than losing your child!!!

Thanks for letting us know, i wasnt aware that this was happening!!!






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Guest julie2g1b

hi there


me too i will leave my porch light on all day plus light a candle


julie :wubclub:

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Guest mandy1


I will. Madeline came from Rothley, a few miles from where we lived in Leicestershire. I remember the village being totally swamped with reporters and tv crews. No matter what the ins & outs of the case are to lose your child like that is devastating & the not knowing where she is or what happened to her must be torturous.

Mandy x

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Guest roma 1

our front light will be on tomorrow night and a candle in the window gizmo. it is so sad

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Guest Tracey from Braintree

We were on holiday at the same time as the disappearance happened (not in Portugal). My OH suggested we leave our little girl who was then just 1 in the room while we went for a drink as she was asleep and the bar was a stones throw away. I ummed and arred and decided he should go on his own. I was pregnant anyway so couln't drink and just wasn't comfortable with the whole leaving her thing.

I think back all the time to that. I know the chances are remote that anything would have happened but what if?

I can't imagine how Kate and Gerry McCann must feel and those poor twins! I hope Maddie is safe somewhere even if it not with family.

I will certainly light a candle.



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Guest Mrs Braveheart

my candle will be lit & porch light will be left on. God bless madeline and I hope she is safe & well


Cant say I sympathise with her parents tho.



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Guest Aldo
my candle will be lit & porch light will be left on. God bless madeline and I hope she is safe & well


Cant say I sympathise with her parents tho.




Have you lost the plot?

Get a grip woman!

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Have you lost the plot?

Get a grip woman!

Hey Aldo,

I thought this might be a sensitive post !!!!

I can understand why janette posted the comment that she did - but each to our own views & comments on the issue.


So everyone without this post possibly ending up in a battle as to the rights & wrongs of Madelines parents... please remember to light your candle,shine a torch or turn on a porch light to light the way home in support of madeline & her family and all the other thousands of missing people.



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Guest Davidgolf

our light will be on and candle lit,may god bless her and hope she is safe were ever she may be.


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Guest roma 1

thanks gizmo for your post it had made people aware of what is happening today. thanks , as i said my light and a candle will be on .as amummy i feel for the parents but they will have to live with the error they made for the rest of time .they knew it was a mistake and i thank god i am not in that position as a mummy. god bless madeleine xx ps press are turning against the family as feelings are runing high here xx also everyone is entitled to a view and we shouldn,t stop them ie jeanette x

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Guest kdal

Hi Gizmo, We will also light a candle for Madeline


I so wish that they could find her safe and well, you cant help but wonder where she is and is she safe and happy or is she missing her family still as it must be like grieving for her, lost parents !


Love her little heart



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Guest cantwait

I wached the documentary with her parents this week and felt so bad for them. It's so easy for people to criticise them for the leaving the children but they are really suffering for it now. Kate McCann looks ill and close to breaking down in my opinion. I really hope Madeleine is found soon, whatever the outcome, the parents need some kind of closure. No one deserves what they are going through. They don't deserve the hate mail they are getting, they should have everyones support. The documentary was really moving.

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Guest Lui A xxx

this is a subject where i have sooooo many thoughts and feelings that i have difficulty expressing.......the sad truth is that maddies parents made a terrible mistake.....one that they will have to live with for the rest of their lives......they will torture themselves enough with out others cruel and hurtful remarks.....as parents, we all make mistakes.....and soooo many of us have no sorry story to tell......thankfully.......sometimes it is easier not to think and dwell on the terrible things that happen in life........i have soooo much empathy.......for all the children invoved in such terrible times......my heart really does go out to them.......the parents......and for the rest of the families.....

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Guest gothicqueen

hmmm I too have mixed thoughts about the parents, as a mum of 3, I think leaving the kids to go out for a meal, no matter how close you might be is irresponsible, that being said mistakes are made all the time, and noone no matter what they have done deserves to have that happen to them.


When my middle son was 2 we went to Rhodes on holiday, and he was playing football with my husband and some other people, the next thing I knew is that Joe had disappeared, Graham thought he was with me, I thought he was with him. For the next hour everyone was searching for him, including in the pool, he was found by a german holiday maker and he had somehow walked down the beach and to the next hotel complex, all alone and in the pitch black. That has to be the longest hour of my life, so even if you think you are responsible and that you are watching them things still can happen.


Interestingly enough there was a programme on discovery last night about unsolved crimes in Australia and one of them was of 3 kids that went to the beach 40 years ago and simply vanished, no sightings or anything, the mum still is waiting for her babies to come home.................

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Guest kevinboomer

Everyone makes mistakes and no matter what you don't expect them to be kidnapped!! I'll be leaving my light on too!!

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Guest Karen K

My light will be on and i will once again send out a thought for her and all others missing to return to there loved ones XXX

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Guest leanneandmark

Goth Queeen' Thats awful, all 3 children!! poor parents.


I have my light on, and I too, pray so often they will find closure soon.

They must be suffering so much. I feel for the twins too, there lives will have changed so dramatically the poor little souls.


Strangely my daughter is similar looking to Madeline and we got stopped last month as someone thought they had spotted her. Livvy has gigantic vivid blue eyes though.!!, God it makes you appreciate them.

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