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Im Ryan. Currently working in Accountancy in England, looking to come to Australia on a WHV in just over a years time. Looking to gain a lot from my experience in Australia which will hopefully give me a better indication if I really do want to eventually gain permanent residency.


I've been to Australia once before for a Month in 2013. I haven't gone a day since where I haven't thought about it or compared something from Australia against what there is in England. I've certainly got the 'bug'


As I'm only 23 I'm not in a huge rush to make the full plunge, I will need to carry on working harder here in UK to gain further qualifications before I can gain a permanent residency visa.


For anyone in the Accountancy industry, I'm just finishing my AAT Level 3, before I plan to come to Australia I plan to have finished Level 4 and by that time I will have 3 years experience working in the industry doing various roles. Hopefully I may be able to gain some temporary work in the industry (even entry level work) just for more experience. The plan is to study ACA which I believe is a recognised chartered accountancy body in Australia so will help me in the long run.


During the WHV I plan to find regional work early on and have the comfort of a second year option there if I desire.


Anyway, enough of my plans, I'm sure some of you will see my posts pop up around the forums!



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Thanks everyone


Welcome to the forum :) Do you know how many exemptions you'll get from your AAT qualification?


Not yet, I am still concentrating on completing AAT but over the next year or so I will figure out which will give me the best benefits down under. Over here I guess ACC, CIMA and ACA all give you the same thing depending on what it is exactly you want to get into. I think I will follow the one whichever is most recognised in Australia so then either way, I will have a decent qualification in the UK and Aus.


I ave a feeling AAT gives me exemptions from the first 4 ACCA exams or the first 7 CIMA exams? Could have that wrong though. More research needed!!

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Hi Ryan, welcome to to the forum. I am also an accountany and spent 18 months in Melbourne coming back last June.


You will find temporary work in something like accounts payable quite easily in Sydney or Melbourne. As regards qualifications, you'll find out yourself when you are there but ACA has a reciprocal arrangement with ICAA and CIMA with CPA. Unless you want to be an auditor either ICAA or CPA are fine. I am ACCA which was annoying as very few people have had heard of it, but that said I managed to get a job, my boss was English.


I wouldn't make too many decisions now though. Going over on a WHV will give you a much better idea of real life than a four week holiday, and youll find out first hand which qualifications and type of work you're best following. Who knows, you might even get offered a job with sponsorship that are keen to pay for you to train over there and have that option.

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