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6 months in - Long post


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Hi all - a bit of an update as we have celebrated 6 months here this weekend. We gained so much from this site over the years (6 years to be precise!) that I hope this will be useful and encouraging for some.


We are a family of 4, us and 2 boys aged 12 and 9



We have a SS176 visa, which we eventually gained in 2011 - it took 2 and half very long years from making the decision to go, to getting our visa - at the time I (the main applicant, nurse) was working part time 19.5 hrs per week, frustratingly ANMAC wanted me to have worked 1 year at more than 20 hrs per week before being able to do my skills assessment. Luckily the boss was my friend so I upped my hours and did this for a year. Managed to pass IELTS with much stress. Lots of changes were going on around the time to do with visas and suddenly we didn't have enough points for the independent 175 visa. We then had to wait 4 months for SS to come through before visa application, but we eventually succeeded in 2011. Validated it in 2012 as we hadn't sold the house - 4 weeks in Australia, time in Melbourne with my bestie followed by a fantastic road trip up to Fraser Island, some time there, and a week on the Gold Coast - we were smitten !



Anyone who has read my 2010 /2011 posts will understand my stress re AHPRA - I'm sure if I didn't dye my hair, it would have been very grey during that process !! It was a nightmare for nearly a year, but I was very determined lol. I am old style trained without a degree although I had lots of post reg courses. I studied madly even more over that year and managed to complete and pass 4, degree level post reg courses (as well as working full time, looking after 2 small kids, doing the visa app without an agent and renovating our house to sell) phew !! Eventually after many midnight phone calls, out the blue came my LOE. I finalized it on our validation trip the following year. I'm so glad I did it before the even harder AHPRA conditions began and I have so much sympathy with those that have struggled.



We flew to Brisbane with Singapore Airlines who were great, we were in a hurry to get there so went straight through with just an hour or so at Changi. We flew with Royal Brunei to Melbourne for our reccie trip and they were also very good, although no alcohol on board to wash down my flying valium tablets! But you can buy it and take on board.



We have a dog and cat. We made the very difficult decision to leave the cat behind as he is 19 now and very set in his ways. Our adorable, elderly next door neighbours kept him and he now rules the roost there and is having a great life being spoilt rotten. For the dog, we prepared early with the rabies etc. Our vets were fantastic throughout the process and so helpful. We used Golden Arrow Shippers and I cannot recommend them enough. They were the absolute best. Bob from Pet Air also seems great and we got some really good advice from him, but in the end we chose GA purely on price. They were so friendly and very accommodating when we had a few issues - such as my car blowing up on the motorway with the dog in it (not hurt) on the way to GA's place. Also for some reason Sydney quarantine forgot to process our payment, so Mungo the dog had to stay in the UK for another week waiting for the next Qantas flight - all at no extra cost to us. Fantastic customer service. He stayed in quarantine and then we flew him up to Brisbane - was a very emotional moment picking him up from the airport - tears all round. He's settled in great, been a bit hot for him a few times but he loves the beach now. Many trips to The Spit at Southport and Palm Beach (dog heaven). Lots of off leash parks around also.



We had a full container - used John Mason - fantastic service from the office, the packers and the unpackers over here. It left our house in Essex, mid-August, arrived in Australia mid-September and we got it the end of September. Great service - nothing broken and a couple of Xmas decs discarded - bloody pine cones I think !



Do not underestimate the effect the grief of parents will have on you. It was awful, we left 2 sets of parents in the UK as well as brothers and sisters and other family members and friends - very very hard. I will never forget the sad choking noise my dad made as we walked away. Although I love it here and have no wish to return currently, I'm not sure I will ever get over the guilt I have for hurting my parents and for breaking their hearts. We Skype, phone and viber regularly, but obviously its not the same. They are coming out in September and we can't wait to see them and show them around. My brother and his girlfriend had a baby in January and it is so hard seeing him on Skype and photos but not being able to have a cuddle.



I started looking around at jobs a few months before we came out, I was a top band 6 nurse in the UK in a speciality. I applied from the UK for 2 jobs in QLD health and got offered both. Did telephone interviews for both which was an amazing way to do it. They emailed the questions through 20 minutes before the interviews so I could prepare my answers in advance and they couldn't see my panic!! and I was in my pyjamas ha ha. So, I accepted one of the jobs, which is in a totally different field to my experience, and started full time 1 week after we arrived. I'm on a RN top of band 5 scale as they took into consideration my previous NHS years - take proof. I do shifts and my wage is around 95k, which is great. It has been a MASSIVE struggle though - to the point of practically vomiting every day with nerves. I'm so glad I stuck with it though as I've now been there coming up to 6 months, have started to settle and enjoy it. The people have been so lovely - supportive and just so nice. Be prepared that everything is different - the processes, the medical system, some of the drug names, slang names for things etc. etc.



We only had one week to get semi sorted before I started work full time, so we planned with military precision !. We had a short term, dog friendly, furnished let in East Brisbane that we rented from the UK for 4 weeks. Gorgeous Queenslander house and very close to the city and transport. We also had a hire car. We got set up with GO cards straight away and used the river cats (awesome) and other transport methods with no issues. Within our first week we had picked up bank cards from ANZ (we opened account in UK), got medicare cards, driving licenses, mobile phone sim cards etc. We also bought a car and returned the hire one.


Days were spent poring over realestate.com.au. Decided we wanted to be down the Gold Coast - Brisbane is a brilliant city and we really enjoy the times we go there but we are not really city people and wanted to be away from it but not too far. My job is south of Brisbane so we discarded the Sunny Coast even though its gorgeous. Bayside was also a choice but we fell in love with the Mt Tamborine area when we were on our reccie trip and so much more since. So we compromised with Coomera - close to Tamborine and also close enough to the M1 for travel to work. I drive the M1 every day - shift times and peak times and yes its busy at times in certain areas and the driving a bit hairy, I have had no problems with it so far and get to work far quicker than my job 5 miles away from home in the UK.


We looked around at lots of rentals and applied for 3. We got accepted for our top one and we and the kids love it here. Its a brand new 4x2 on a very manicured estate with lots of barbecue areas, a lake, pool and gym facilities for residents use. The boys have sure made use of the pool over the summer! We bought a printer when we first arrived and made up lots of rental application packs so that we could apply straight away for rentals. We included anything relevant in the packs - copies of driving licenses, work contract, bank statements, reference re the dog, reference re the kids, estate agent details of our sold house showing how well maintained it was, evidence of paid utility bills, character reference for me and hubby etc. Coomera has a bit of a bad rep but to be honest so far where we are its been fine. So quiet and peaceful, close to everything inc schools, I think its just certain areas and we've been lucky


Gold Coast

My opinion only but often feel the need to stick up for it. It’s not just Surfers Paradise (although I don't mind that either for a touristy day out! )After 6 months here, I wouldn't live anywhere else, it has everything that we as a family want - within 1 hr of a major city, great beaches, great schools, beautiful rainforest areas, theme parks, shopping centres, rivers, dog friendly areas and much more.



Youngest is at local primary - fantastic school, have nothing but good things to say about it. He is learning so much and has made some great new friends. Both boys have been shocked and must have had an easy ride in the UK as the homework amount here is much more.

Eldest started Pimpama Secondary in January - a newish school. Has settled really well. Managed to get into the CAP class (academic extension class) for which he took an entrance exam and has just been elected school council leader for his class. Both boys have only 25 pupils in the class which I'm very happy with. We had to buy them both Apple iMac's for school which we hadn't budgeted for but they use them all the time at school for lessons and for homework etc. Husband is still jealous that the boys both have one of these and he doesn't lol.


Money / Bills

I think we transferred about 10£k over at 1.7. Out of this, we paid for our car up front, bond and advance rent for the house, hire car, flight for Mungo from Sydney to Brisbane, fridge freezer, sofa, shipping quarantine costs and fumigation, car rego and insurance upfront, lots of odds and ends - kitchen stuff and bedding as we had 2 weeks in our rental prior to shipping arriving.


We are not finding it more expensive to live out here. Yes some things are more and some things are less. Really is swings and roundabouts and I think different people just have different opinions, styles of living and expectations. Went to the bottle shop tonight - bottle of chardonnay for $2.49. Now I know the first glass may be a bit bleuurgh but after that hey who cares for $2.49 a bottle!


We are living on my wage alone. Hubby is enjoying staying at home currently, being a house husband and just generally spending time with the kids as he never did this in the UK. He used to leave for work at 5am each morning and home at 9pm. We haven't got round to claiming centrelink yet either so it is just my wage.


Our rent is $480 pw.

We eat well and shop wisely - probably $300 per fortnight and topped up with bread and milk and fresh fruit, veg and salad. I try never to buy fruit and veg from the supermarkets as it is so much cheaper and better quality at the market plus we like to support the local farmers.

We have no school fees except the stationary for the start of term, odd trip / sports gala days and the ICT payments. Uniforms are crazy prices - how I wish for Tesco boys school trousers at £3.50 a pair.

We have 2 cylinder for gas outside that we paid for when we moved in 5 months ago - approx $150 and we haven't even used one cylinder yet in 5 months.

We have not had a water bill in yet so cant comment.

We had an electric bill in December $100 for 3 month use, but the big summer one is due at any moment we've tried to be sensible with the aircon and have only really used it a handful of times. The ceiling fans have been much more used.

Optus $130 per fortnight for 2g internet / phone and TV. We don't watch a huge amount of TV as there's not much on, but we have been able to catch up with a couple of UK series that we wanted to watch - The Missing and Broadchurch

We may be on one wage but we seem to be able to do far more here than what we did in the uK on 2 wages - I don't know how that works out ? We live well, eat well, and have bought lots of little extras like furniture, 2 new TV, theme park annual passes. We are able to go out to dinner as a family of four at least once a week, we have hired a boat out on the River Tweed twice for the day which was fantastic, we've explored up and down the coast, been to Lamington and Springbrook National Parks, had a long weekend in Noosa, been to the cinema several times etc etc. While the boys have been at school and as I’m on shifts, hubby and I have been able to go out many times - romantic lunches, walks along the beach, walks in the rainforest - so many thing that we just didn’t have or make time for in the UK. Join Groupon and Living Social – so many cheap deals to be had



My son and I have both visited the doctor and had blood and urine tests done – all free at the local bulk billing practice – lovely friendly staff. My sons medicine here costs $18 a bottle, which was free under the NHS in the UK. I love that you can go to any practice here. I also think the availability of bulk billing visiting doctors is amazing here, although not used the service.

Bug life – we paid for a cheap groupon deal to get the house sprayed when we moved in. So far in 5 months we have has a few annoying flies, I small cockroach (yuk), 1 small beetle, 1 small gecko and a redback – discovered on Christmas evening after too many drinks cue hysteria ! We had no spray or a ladder to reach it. We left it and it went. A few mozzies outside. We have had a few mozzie bites but generally when we have been near water at dusk. Friends that live near us but by the water have so many midge bites and they say they go through the fly screens. We have seen 2x dead snakes on the road, lots of giant lizard creatures and lots of kangaroos but still no wild koalas sadly

Weather has been much more bearable and manageable than we imagined. Sure it’s been crazy hot at times but it’s been more of an annoyance than anything else. That said we are looking forward to the winter when we can be a bit more active outside of early morning / late afternoon times. The storms when they happen are truly spectacular to watch – and the hail - WOW

6 months in and we fall for Australia more each day - corny I know, but true. It was the hardest and most stressful experience ever to get here and the last 6 months have been very very difficult emotionally, financially and just in general. There’s been no real homesickness yet although I know it can strike at any time. The boys have said several times that they love it here, love life and although they miss friends and family, have no wish to return. I guess it’s the same for us. There has been many a time that I’ve sat on a beautiful beach or looking at a view from a mountain or walking through a rainforest that I’ve had an emotional tear and a ‘WOW I live in this amazing place’ moment.


Looking to the future now - We left so many lovely close friends in the UK and really miss the great times we had over the years, we need to make more friends, anybody near here give us a shout for a meet up and a drink. We have started thinking about buying and have been to several open house mornings. We plan to buy on Tamborine Mountain as it is our dream lifestyle there. Yes a bit longer to commute but the tradeoff for me (as the commuter) is worth it any day. We hope to buy a project that hubby can remain at home and renovate. The boys have joined the soccer club up on the mountain and we all hope to become part of the community soon.


We have friends and family coming out this year and cant wait to show them around this beautiful place we are so lucky to call home

If there is anything we can do help anyone that's arriving soon or if anyone has anything specific that we might be able to help with - please ask away



Rachel, Dan, Sam, Jack and Mungo

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What a brilliant post - as much about your spirit and determination as the basic nuts and bolts of moving overseas.


Having lived on the Coast for a year (twenty years ago) I agree that it is hard done by - great climate and close to so many places to visit. That said my journey to Brissie was on a two lane highway through scrub (type) land in places.


Can't believe I have four weeks of teaching left and that in six weeks time we will be en route to Melbourne.



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Really appreciate that post as I know it takes time to prepare. You say you had 10k available from the outside, so from then on you are living of your 95k wages only? Had you considered private school at all ? Just wondering if you had and if so why you choose not to. State and semi private are neck and neck with me and I am confident if money is an a issue it will be the first I will cut I have a 5 and 9 yr old hoping to head to sydney.

Good luck with it all and again thanks

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Thankyou for taking the time to post. It's particularly interesting as a MH nurse I am doubting whether I could get work in the Gold Coast and may be working south Brisbane and also like the look of the suburbs you are looking in/live in! Glad to know the drive is worth it.


I hope you continue to stay settled and at least you have a visit from family to look forward too xx

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Great post, encouraging me along with our process. We applied for 189 visa last week, already done IELTS and skills assessment. Next weeks job is to apply to AHPRA. I'm a general Nurse, currently working in ITU. I have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Firstly is the $95000 salary inclusive of enhancements for weekends, nights etc? And secondly, you went over as a top band 6 Nurse. What is your equivalent over there? I am top band 5 with 8 years experience. The jobs I see are registered nurse level 1 level 2 etc. I'm not sure where I fit in. I think I am level 1 and band 6 level 2, does this sound right? (I'd rather be level 2 obviously for salary and advancing my career as the chance for promotion is so scarce here in Wales)

thanks in advance


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  • 2 weeks later...
Really appreciate that post as I know it takes time to prepare. You say you had 10k available from the outside, so from then on you are living of your 95k wages only? Had you considered private school at all ? Just wondering if you had and if so why you choose not to. State and semi private are neck and neck with me and I am confident if money is an a issue it will be the first I will cut I have a 5 and 9 yr old hoping to head to sydney.

Good luck with it all and again thanks



Hi Murta


Yes that's correct re figures. We manage perfectly fine on my wages alone at the moment. As well as living generally - this fortnight we have additionally paid IT levy to school, sports fees to schools, paid a plasterer to repair a hole in a wall that my son made ( 5 days before first inspection!) plus we've had a couple of meals out, fish n chips one night, a trip to Surfers to see the sand sculptures plus a day down at Snapper Rocks watching the surfing. So all good. We did contemplate private school and had interviews lined up at 2 schools when we landed in August. Neither of them could take the boys til January so we researched like crazy re good state schools and got a rental in a good catchment. They are both so happy and settled now and as far as I can tell, a really excellent education with a great way about it, that I can't fault it - so so will stay at the state schools. Hope that helps a little



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Thankyou for taking the time to post. It's particularly interesting as a MH nurse I am doubting whether I could get work in the Gold Coast and may be working south Brisbane and also like the look of the suburbs you are looking in/live in! Glad to know the drive is worth it.


I hope you continue to stay settled and at least you have a visit from family to look forward too xx


Hi Jac

the commute is fine - no worries especially if shifts, it takes me 40ish mins to get where I need to - quicker than when I used to drive 3 miles to work in the UK lol !

PM me if I can help at all re schools or suburbs this way - happy to help if I can



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Great post, encouraging me along with our process. We applied for 189 visa last week, already done IELTS and skills assessment. Next weeks job is to apply to AHPRA. I'm a general Nurse, currently working in ITU. I have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Firstly is the $95000 salary inclusive of enhancements for weekends, nights etc? And secondly, you went over as a top band 6 Nurse. What is your equivalent over there? I am top band 5 with 8 years experience. The jobs I see are registered nurse level 1 level 2 etc. I'm not sure where I fit in. I think I am level 1 and band 6 level 2, does this sound right? (I'd rather be level 2 obviously for salary and advancing my career as the chance for promotion is so scarce here in Wales)

thanks in advance



Hi Becky


Yes that wage is inc of nights/weekends etc and I'm in Queensland.

The nursing levels vary by state I think, but here, it goes from 1-12(or something equally high) 1 being assistant in nursing, through to 5 being Registered Nurse, 6 being Clinical Nurse, 7 onwards for practitioners, educators, management etc.

I was on Band 6 in the UK and would've looked at a Clinical Nurse (6) position here had I stayed in my speciality, but I wanted a change, so am on the Registered Nurse (5) pay scale. They took in to account my years of NHS service so I'm on the top of the RN band. Hope that makes sense ?? It's quite usual for nurses to sometimes come over in a junior position and work as that for a while, learning as you go before applying for more senior roles as they arise


Lots of luck with it all. Happy to help with anything else if I can



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