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School qualification issues


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Hi, I'm wondering if anyone can answer my question about OZ qualifications in relation to GCSE's?! We have our PR visas and plan to move in September. My eldest son will b 14 and would b starting year 10 here in Britain. Obviously we want to emigrate and be there forever (NSW hopefully) but if it all fails and we don't settle after 2 years, what will happen about re commencing school here for my son? Will he have to do GCSE's or will the Australian ACS exam act as an equivalent? Would he be able to do A levels here or not??? Or have university problems?

Has anyone had this issue and moved back to England with kids? If so what happened with their schooling?

i doubt we will b able to afford private ed in OZ as we have 3 children all together!

i would be really grateful of any help advice/info.

thanks a lot x

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It's not easy - the yr 12 results don't travel too well back to UK for Uni entry - they either have to be exceptionally high or kids have to do a foundation year before Uni. They can just slot back into A levels but will have to pick up some GCSEs en route as well. If you can get them into a school which does the IB those results will travel back better to UK however you will be slugged International fees if you want to go straight into UK Uni after yr 12.


Personally I wouldn't be moving a teenager in either direction but would leave them to finish in whichever system they're in and thus keep all their options open.

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On the flip side of this, my daughter moved here after A levels and got great results but would have qualified for a scholarship if she had done her year 12 or IB here. As it stands she does not qualify for any help what so ever and not even hex (student finance) until we have got citizenship. Swings and roundabouts.

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My son moved out here straight after his GCSE results came out. He did a term in Year 11 here and has just started Year 12.

He has flourished out here (we have been able to afford one of the cheaper private schools) and has not been disadvantaged at all. I think it depends on the child too - he's a bright kid and loves that he is in a class with none of the distractions he got in class in the UK (no behaviour issues like his comp in the Uk). There is a lot more focus on the extra curricular side here as well and I don't think he's ever done so much!


If you come out here in September and then it doesn't work, you may have to consider college for your son, as they do not have a GCSE equivalent. It's not completely unheard of to re-join a UK school for A Levels, but I think it would be quite tough. I also know that if your son gets top grades at the end of Year 12, he would be able to look at a UK uni, but you may be treated as overseas and have to pay bigger fees.

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