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RACISM..sensitive issue but need honest advice as a concerned mummy


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I would be very surprised if it existed in my kid's primary school, it must have every race going there, so all the kids are used to it and don't bat an eyelid, it's the parents that create racism - as they saying goes 'children aren't born racist', it's a learned behaviour from their peers!

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I think it depends on the part od society that you are living in.


My job is working class and I work with the biggest group of xenophobic dumb idiots that I have ever seen. They dislike anyone who isn't like them selves, if there is an obvious difference e.g skin colour/clothing/accent. It only made me sad.

Most of their hate comes from fear, fear of the unknown.


My wife works a middle class job, she isn't white, but you would say she looks Spanish. She gets told a lot that she speaks very good English, She is American and English is her first language.

She also gets asked a lot "What are you?" what kind of a question is that to ask someone?

Not "hey you have an exotic look about you, where are you from?"


I got told at work by one of my work mates that my wife is a bit brown, I then proceeded to ask if that was a problem? Because if it was the person would have been picking their teeth up from the floor. This was said with an iron bar in my hand.

Funnily enough not another word has been said about my wife.


But as a society it is a more racist and xenophobic society than a European country.

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