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Needing help re eligibility and where to begin

Lookingforadventure 76

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Hi, first my apologies finding anything about this is a complete minefield hoping someone can help me. My husband last yr discovered he was adopted since found birth father in oz been there 45 years. He also has a half brother and half sister. Father is in his 70's on a pension. My husband is 45 I am 38 we have 2 children 4 years and 4 ,months old. My husband has recently been made unable to work due to psoriatic arthritis and I own my own business but it's unskilled. We were considering moving to be close to his family (they're in new South wales) but unsure how we would fair eligibility wise if anyone has advice or can point me in the right direction that would be great. Unsure wether it's worth applying or if possible which visa we should apply for. We would have maybe 50k to start off with. Thank you for reading and hope I have put this in the correct place ?

regards Julie

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Suggest you contact a RMA..as from what you hav posted you do not qualify for any visa apart from a visitor visa. As your husband was adopted he has no claim to his birth fathers citizenship in any way. You can still meet with a visitor visa, there is no need to look at migration.

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You need a skill that is on the skilled visa list either the SOL or the CSOL. Last remaining relative visa's wouldn't apply as he has a Wife and children and anyway they have all but stopped doing them and are taking 15 years or some such time. The other problem you have is that with your Husbands health he may not pass the Medical. Also if you were to come to Australia he would not be entitled to any form of benefits for at least two years. Tbere is a Business visa but my understanding is that the business has to have a very large turnover. To be sure it would be best to get an assessment from a registered migration agent.

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Thank you que sera sera yes that's as I feared. My husbands condition is currently in a process of becoming controlled we are looking at within a year he will be able to work again. His brother has also said he would be able to assist him with a job although this would be unskilled.

To be sponsored one of you needs a skill on one of the two lists.

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Thank you for your reply much appreciated .

we have been offered possible sponsorship from his brother . Not sure how this would work though as I said totally confused by all the websites i have looked through just thought I would see if anyone had any suggestions. Julie

Family sponsorship is a thing of the past, the 2 options are 489 family sponsored which requires occupation on SOL, and sponsor to live in regional Australia, given your husbands age he would likely not pass the points test as the main applicant. The other is last Remaining relative which the adoption would likely mean that you wouldn't qualify, even if you did there is a 56 year processing time (this is not a typo), then there is the issues in passing the medical.


Going through your options with a registered migration agent would be best way forward, but tbh it doesn't look good.

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Also we wouldn't be interested in the benefits system we don't use it here either.


It doesnt matter if you dont plan to use any benefits...you legally will be able to and you cannot voluntarily choose not to ever take it. The real problem is I doubt that the Australian government will count any of your Biological family as your family anyway if the adoption was legal.

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