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Form 80


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This is killing me..


Lodged my defacto (subclass 820) application last may and I have been contacted by the CO a couple of days ago saying all i need is form 80..

he said, Pay particular attention to Questions 21 to 26. It is essential that every period of time is accounted for, with no gaps in the timeline of your residence, employment and education histories


I've been to around 13 different schools. Not even my mother remembers them as she was not very well when I was a child.

Also where it says Full name of course or description of research/Thesis and supervisor details what should I write for High school? (UK high school)

For college I wrote my national diploma but for high school and primary school??

employment history is fine but address history... they want the hostels and hotels of travelling between addresses???? is that right?


Is there a way that anyone can find out all this history?


Please help :(

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Hey Rebbecca,


Dont stress out too much. When i filled my form 80 i just wrote what ever i remembered and stretched all the dates so that there are no gaps in between. Thats the best you can do. And with the address do the same. Just write the address which ever you remember and stretched the dates of the address which you remembered to cover the time you stayed at the place which you doesnt remember. Thats the best you can do!! Hope it helps.

ooo and i forgot..

I've traveled all around Europe with no stamps in my passport... How the hell do we remember??

Support will be greatly appreciated.

Hate stress :(

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I know this soudns bad but... should I just say i stayed at the same primary school? I am completely unsure of the schools i went to over 2 years and i spent most my primary school years in the one I wrote down.. Would they definitely check?

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Rebecca, if you know something but not all the details, give them what you DO know so they know you're not trying to hide something. I searched through itineraries I had in my email, hotel receipts, etc. to get as detailed dates as I could. Then I included a note that said like "Travelled to Lisbon, Portugal for approximately 7 days in June 2006" or whatever. They're used to people from the EU/UK doing a ton of traveling. If you know you've taken trips to a country but can't remember even the year you could say "approximately 2004 - can't remember exact year" or something along those lines. If they see you're giving them all the information you have (even better if you tell them what steps you've taken to get information you couldn't find) they'll know you're not trying to hide anything from them.

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Don't lie just because you can't remember what the dates are.


Just be honest and tell them. They have a ton of people applying from Europe - they are used to passports not being stamped etc as CG said above.


The same goes with your schooling. Write down what you can remember and explain the gaps - e.g tell them where you were but that you cant remember the name of the school.


Form 80 is part of the character check and it won't look good if they see you making up things so that everything makes sense on paper.


At the end of the day it might go through without any issues, but better to be honest so that they can't have anything against you :)

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