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Guess who got their visa this morning! :d


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We got our visa accepted this morning!!! *Do the truffle shuffle*


Immigration2Oz sent it off on monday and we got confirmation today!!!


We didn't get our 190 visa as planned for the NT as getting one is like pulling teeth! Apparently because a 190 a straight invite in and people were going for it and not staying in state so they end up giving you a 489 but you have to stay in the state for 2 years, work for 12 months doing over 35 hours, then you can move anywhere you want. (We went my husbands carpentry skills) Bonus is you still get the perks of a 190 visa (schools, healthcare etc)


Hopefully a bit of useful information for people applying for the NT!


So yeah, not sure what to do now, still in shock I think!


Vengaboys sang ...."We're going to Ibiza" We sing "We're coming to Australia!!!" :D:D

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