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Looking fi meet other irish families


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People ask for meet ups with people from their home town,or county all the time on here,don't see any difference meself


But if someone said they wanted to meet up with Londoners and a bloke from say Birmingham said he'd like to meet/ socialise, and Londoner said "no, only Londoners "...wouldn't that be a tad rude?

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But if someone said they wanted to meet up with Londoners and a bloke from say Birmingham said he'd like to meet/ socialise, and Londoner said "no, only Londoners "...wouldn't that be a tad rude?


I suppose you could take that view yes,but,the thread was specific in asking for Irish,the poster explained they had friends from elsewhere,but they wanted to meet more Irish,so personally i'd have took that as fair enough tbh

Some might say you accusing the poster of racism was a bit rude too though i guess

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It's not racist obviously but I personally wouldn't move and then ask only to meet up with other scottish people. However everybody's different I guess and its your business :)


I do think you took tonymans post the wrong way though.. he's just trying to be friendly to new members

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Just wondered how it would sound if an English person said that!


I just don't understand all the fuss made about this,all the poster wanted was a bigger circle of Irish friends,a harmless thread that has been turned into something it never was

People ask to meet fellow Geordies,Scousers,all the time,and poms too,whether peoples definition of poms is just English or not has been spoken about before on here,anyway,just a bit surprised a harmless thread can turn into what it has,wtf!lol

Anyway,salmon wellington now,gnite

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I am truly amazed at how a simple post has turned into such crap

bound4tassie there is no where on the thread that I wrote ONLY.. As I said I have many other friends and just want to

meet some more new irish friends (possibly some newly arrived etc) . It has nothing to do with not wanting to meet other nationalities

bound4tassie you also seen to be very uptight on the whole English irish thing which was not what I am on this page for....



feeling amused atm

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