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Trying for a year. Is it more hassle than its worth?


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Hi Murta


I struggled with similar feelings before I left. It is hard to leave a single parent, I think it would have been easier for me if my a Dad was still alive.

My mum is here at the moment, at 73 years old, she flew out on her own. I didn't ever think she would!


Personally, I think the one year scenario is only for those who are young and have no family. The financial and emotional cost is huge.


But, there are benefits too. Like you, the thought of emigrating never went away, despite me thinking of every conceivable reason for not doing it!

Today, I still have moments where I miss people dreadfully. But, I'm sitting here in the warmth, listening to the whip bird and I'm glad I did it.

The truth is, you won't ever really know until you try.


totally karpi we should have did this years ago! But yes the good outweighs the bad. Thanks

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Sorry if that sounded harsh, but my own Mum died not long after I emigrated. In her case, she had been treated for cancer and we all understood she was free and clear, but I think we all (including Mum) misunderstood what that meant. So unless you've been to the doctors with her and really understand her illness, I'd be making sure you get a real handle on the situation - you'd never forgive yourself if something happened.


thats ok it's not that you were harsh you created a whole senario at a flick of a post. But I now appreciate your personal experiences. Sorry to hear that. No I have been with mum for every appointment and when I say manageable I say it meaning she is being monitored. No treatment nor is it terminal. At 76 it could be something else ends her time who knows, I just know that she is reliantn on me and my family to keep her spirits up as I know this news vice yrs ago aged her more than her illness. Anyhow I am confident i know all I need to know and yes it does make it tougher to go with this hovering

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We did a one year exchange with an Australian, a teacher exchange program, this was invaluable to gaining an insight to living and working on Oz.

Our children where 8 and 5 at the time and enjoyed life over in Oz but missed grandparents etc.

Could you get a sabbatical year?, and its only a flight away should an emergency happen.

However, Sydney is very expensive for housing and a large income required to live in a nice area - although further away the cheaper it becomes.

If you could get a job north or south of sydney , there are some lovely palces, I really like Nowra, a few hours south.


Whatever you choose to do , good luck!

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I have read people saying they plan to stay for 4 years and gain citizenship and choose from there. I even find that an interesting concept. If I took my kiddies back now they'd be devastated and we've only been here a year! My children have adapted to a new lifestyle very well and are flourishing. I think I'd be more concerned by the emotional side of a temporary stay. I know a family who had to go back as 457 visa and the children haven't settled back despite having family around as support. Quite a dire situation to be in.

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