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Help...moving soon and feel out of our depth!!


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Hi, I am hoping someone out there might be able to answer a few questions or us! We are finally about to make our move to Melbourne from Ireland within the next few months. We are looking at the end of march for our two babies to be granted resident visas. Myself, my partner and our 7 yr old son have visas and they are activated as of sep 12. We came back for family reasons and since had 2 more baby boys! and so we have had to wait through the whole process again.


Anyway, cutting a long story short!.... my partner is a Software Developer and I'm a stay at home mam. We are moving to the Melbourne as we agree that the culture and lifestyle of Melbourne is for us and we loved it while visiting. We are considering moving all of our furniture.... beds, sofas, bikes....bundles of toys....... Has anyone moved all there things with them? can you give me some advice? is it worth taking them compared to the price of buying everything new from scratch! Also... I am now getting completely anxious about the whole move.... I realise that its a big move and like everything, things fall into place.... but I am worried that making friends is going to be hard especially as my partner will be gone all day. Can anyone recommend any family oriented suburbs to live with a close commute to the CBD?


I have been looking into our options for going on a year now and I guess I am just so flooded with information that

I am going into Panic Mode! My partner is flying out first and myself and the kids will join him shortly after. He is going to be roughing it for a while, job hunting and hose hunting , while I sort out Logistics!!


If anyone out there has been in the same or similar position would you please fill us in on how you got on ?


Thanks so much for your time:chatterbox:

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Hi! Welcome to the forum. I've moved your thread to the Victoria part of the forum where you should find others who are or have been in much the same situation and hopefully, answers to your questions.


Best of luck with the move - you've chose a great destination. I love Melbourne!

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We are considering moving all of our furniture.... beds, sofas, bikes....bundles of toys....... Has anyone moved all there things with them? can you give me some advice? is it worth taking them compared to the price of buying everything new from scratch!


Now that this thread has been moved to the Victoria thread (to get answers about Melbourne suburbs), you might want to post the question about furniture in the Transport & Shipping section. You'll also find a lot of existing posts there with good information.


One thing I notice is that once you've decided you're going to ship SOMETHING, it gets progressively less expensive to ship more. So it might cost $3,000 to ship x amount of stuff - but if you double the amount of stuff, it won't cost double the amount. I suppose that's because there's a lot of administrative cost in setting things up. As a family you're bound to have a fair bit you simply can't move without, so it may be worth going the whole hog.

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Ship everything you can.


But anything that has been in contact with dirt needs to be well cleaned.


As MW said above, start reading in T&S. Lots and lots of threads and opinions and stories in there. Even ours somewhere.......

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I was in a similar position, I'm a software dev that moved to Melbourne in November last year. My mrs is from Ireland so we have that in common too.


If you're going to ship, do it as early as you can. It took a long time for our stuff to arrive so we ended up having to buy stuff that we already had like kitchen equipment, because rentals come with only a cooker.


If beaches are not high on your list, consider the west, it's generally cheaper. It gets some bad rep but providing you steer clear of the known suburbs like Ardeer (ranked #1 with break ins), it's fine. Aim for a country town and not a suburb and its fine.


Send me a PM if you have any specific questions :)

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We shipped everything then stayed with my mum in the UK for seven weeks before moving over. My OH came out about three weeks before me and the kids because he had a job to start and I had promised the kids they could finish the school year before moving over. My OH found us a place to live and when we arrived in Adelaide we spent two weeks at my MIL's then moved in to the rental. The container arrived while we were still at my MIL's and we were able to move the furniture in to the rental the day before we moved ourselves in.

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  • 2 weeks later...


My wife and family moved out to melbourne about 2.5 years ago. I had worked here before but knew little of where we would actually live. We ended up by chance and good fortune in Forest hill - east side suburb. Great junior school/ nice shopping centre / friendly area and on a good day 30 mins from CBD by car. I can also get the bus to the local train station at Nunnawadding and be in the centre of the city door to door within the hour. Our 4 little ones 6/4/2/ and 11 months all have a great life here and my wife runs a UKMums and Kiddies group - so if need be i can put you in touch with her - they have regular meet up s about once a week. Seem to be a friendly group of Mams and every now and again the Dads meet up for a pint or two.


It is scarey / it is hard but youll survive - advice on what to bring EVERYTHING ! Melbourne is very expensive !!


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Hi, hope your move goes well,we are here 9 years now and just started from scratch but the cost of living has gone up a fair bit here so maybe shipping is the best way, do u know whereabouts u would like to live. Schools are great here, we r origionally from Dublin. You are also able to do tours of all the local schools before u choose, I don't think u can do that back in ireland

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