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Which visa should I pick?


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Hello my name is Vasilis. I am 19 years old and I am living in Greece, I want to apply for a working visa, which one I should pick? Also I want to take my mother with me, she's 40 years old. Which visa should pick so it suits my occasion?

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At 19 you do not qualify for any of the skilled visa. You are not a doctor, qualified accountant, engineer etc unless you are a genius and started uni 5-7 years ago. You need to be formally skilled and qualified/experienced in an area of need and at only 19 you cannot meet these requirements (usual min age is 29-35).


To Bring a parent you need to prove that they are solely dependant on you for their income and emotionL support which includes you proving you are the financial support for them, they having no other means of support from the government or money in the bank, plus you need to have been living under the same roof for over 12 months. Something to think about for the future but as it stands you do not qualify.

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What about subclass 417? There are no certificate or diploma requirements.


Hi Vasilis, is your country listed on the 'eligible countries list' for subclass 417? See http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/417.aspx


Note: Australia and Greece has signed a working holiday arrangement for subclass 462 but it is not available yet as the start date has not been decided: http://www.immi.gov.au/News/Pages/whm-greece.aspx . Once the Department announces it, you may be eligible for this visa if you meet all the requirements. Your mum cannot be included in the application, only a partner when they apply for their own visa.

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Ok 417 suits me right ! Cant my mother use some kind of same visa for a year ? Is there such thing


Your not eligible for a 417 if you are from Greece, according to the link above which shows the eligible country list.


Your mother would have to qualify for a skilled visa.


a lot of people want to come to australia, they don't let everyone in, you have to be skilled to stay long term

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Ok 417 suits me right ! Cant my mother use some kind of same visa for a year ? Is there such thing

No, there is no such thing.


You can get a tourist visa currently. No other options. Your mum might qualify for a skilled visa, depending in her job, but it's unlikely you could be included on that.

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