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Anxious dog. Should we take him?


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We have a move date to Melbourne next September and have started the prep work for Dexter our 2 year old Weimaraner to travel, rabies jabs, blood tests, pet shipping company quotes etc (he'll have just turned 3 when we go).


I am having major anxiety about how he'll cope and could do with some reassurance. He doesn't suffer from separation anxiety (common with the breed) and can be left at home with the run of the house with no issues so it's not being apart from us as such that worries me. It's more about him being crated as he doesn't do well being contained - even if we shut him behind a door for just a few minutes when opening the front door to deliveries etc he scratches at the door and bangs against it incessantly. I'm having these horrible images of him damaging the crate in flight, injuring himself, escaping ........


Also, he was at kennels overnight last week and wore down his claws a fair bit and they said he'd damaged some wood in the kennel (husband picked him up so I don't know how much damage). He was only there from 5pm to 10am and they exercised him first thing so I can only imagine him clawing at the kennel door to get out all night :'( Our previous weim and GSx loved it there so I've not got any concerns about the kennels but wonder how he'll handle 10 days in quarantine.


Naturally once we've selected the shippers we'll speak to them for advice and our vets and try and get him more used to the kennel environment before we go plus do some crate training.


Any other ideas or advice would be grateful received. I've shed a few tears worrying about this :(

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Please don't over worry this ok? I believe your vet can give your dog sedatives pre journey to settle him down. Obviously you will worry about your dog but try not to over worry stuff you have no control over. I'm sure your dog won't and isn't the first dog to travel to Oz that was anxious and pet carriers are well versed on this type of thing. Why not speak to some pet carriers after Xmas to put your mind at rest?

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I know it may appear cruel, but it may be good if possible to get your dog used to being in a cage for periods of time prior to flying him. You can buy cages for dogs and I'm just wondering whether you could slowly get him used to it by starting with short regular periods in the cage (with rewards) gradually increasing the time he is kept in there until you can leave him in there overnight without any hassles....


Just an idea - been through the whole pet transport thing myself. You have plenty of time to get him mentally prepared.

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Hi tiffanysamantha85 - had quotes from a few but thinking golden arrow as they're local to us. Dexter had his rabies jab in 2013 as we were hoping to move sooner so he needs a booster and repeat titre test in Feb/March. Apart from worrying about how he'll cope with the move the plans are on track!

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Hey Saz71

We flew 2 weimeraners to Perth (in the olden days when Perth was open) and in the road journey from their home in UK to our kennels, they trashed their kennel - scratching it, chewing the wood and getting themselves in a right pickle. We told the owner and warned them of this and they flew just fine and coped with quarantine just fine. Getting the crate is a good idea and just keep practising with it. Just bear in mind that the crate you buy off the internet is going to increase your flight cost as the cost is based on the volume of the crate and it will be much safer for your dog and cheaper for you to get a custom made crate. We can build the custom made crate and then get it posted up to you to get your dog used to it, but it will be quite big.

Key thing is to get the rabies work started soon so there will be no need for your dog to wait in UK before you go. Get the rabies vaccine done asap and then 3-4 weeks after the rabies blood sample.

If you email me your Golden Arrow quotes, then we normally beat them on price for a like for like service. If you email me direct at bob@petairuk.com and i am happy to check it out and then at least your pets dont have to do a 4 hour drive to the airport before they fly as we kennel then 20 minutes from Heathrow. And/or we can make you a package where your dog does not have to do any kennelling in UK as we can collect them on the day they fly.

You/we are not allowed to sedate pets before they fly

I completely get your worry, but the pets seem to worry much less than the humans do :)

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Thanks Bob, he had a 3 year rabies jab in March 2013 so golden arrow advised he'd just need a repeat titre test but then I read somewhere they still need a booster within 12 months of travel ? So will he need a rabies booster? He's going to be booked in with the vet in the new year as he's due his kennel cough then plus lepto (as we'd not given him that jab due to the old rules but I appreciate they've changed now) so we can arrange a rabies booster then if required.


Thanks for the offer of the crate but I'm not sure we'll have space. In the meantime I've ordered a temporary travel crate that we can use in the car/camping and training at home. Likely it'll be smaller than yours and not as robust but I'm thinking even small periods in there to get him used to being confined is better than nothing.


I'll dig out the quote and email it over. We're in North Wales so he'll have a drive to Heathrow whichever way we do it I guess. It's just whether we're better driving him down to you as travelling with us he will be less stressed.

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  • 2 months later...
We have a move date to Melbourne next September and have started the prep work for Dexter our 2 year old Weimaraner to travel, rabies jabs, blood tests, pet shipping company quotes etc (he'll have just turned 3 when we go).


I am having major anxiety about how he'll cope and could do with some reassurance. He doesn't suffer from separation anxiety (common with the breed) and can be left at home with the run of the house with no issues so it's not being apart from us as such that worries me. It's more about him being crated as he doesn't do well being contained - even if we shut him behind a door for just a few minutes when opening the front door to deliveries etc he scratches at the door and bangs against it incessantly. I'm having these horrible images of him damaging the crate in flight, injuring himself, escaping ........



Hey how did you and Dexter get on? I too am shipping an anxious Dexter out in a month!! he's a Patterdale terrier and is terrified when he doesn't know what is happening. He is not good around new people, although I think when I am not there he is actually better. I know he will find the whole experience stressful and I too have been really worried and stressed about it. My husband flew out two weeks ago and I was less stressed about that!! I keep thinking the pet carriers know what they are doing and will be used to scared dogs who might have a nip at them?? I am picturing him going nuts and biting anyone who try's to get near him! Anyway I thin in reality he'll be quite submissive and withdrawn as he will be scared. I wish I could sedate him for the flight but know that's not allowed. Anyway am unsure it'll be worth if when we all get reunited. Let me know how you got on. Xx

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Hi Dexterdog! Still not there yet. We go in September. I'm doing some crate training at home (working up to actually closing it at the moment) and have spoken to a couple of pet shippers who have reassured me. So, your Dexter will be there before ours. Hope the move goes well for you all :)

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Hi, My 2 small dogs arrived in OZ last month, a Jack Russel and a Yorkie/Jack x one of my dogs had separation anxiety from myself prior to leaving the UK. They both stayed with Golden Arrow for a few days before they flew. I anticipated that they would both lose some weight due to the stress so fattened them up a bit.I had them flown up to Brisbane where I collected them, they had lost some weight but otherwise seemed fine, they both settled in well within a couple of days. I think we worry far more than the dogs, I phoned the quarantine station in Sydney whilst the dogs were there and they said, both dogs were friendly and eating well, the amount of exercise they were given is dependent on breed and size.

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Golden Arrow were great, Their kennels are located in a beautiful area, when we arrived with the dogs, we let them run and play in the orchard for half hour before taking them into the heated kennel, which overlooked a lake,The staff are really lovely and I was satisfied that my dogs would be well looked after in their care,I have no complaints only high recommendations for them.

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