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Occupation on WHV subclass 417

Alix Fisher

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Hi - I am in the process of applying for my WHV subclass 417. I have a problem with the 'Occupation' box .. I am currently a full time Diagnostic Radiography student but come June 2015 my course will have ended and I will be unemployed... so what do I put? Does it mean current occupation or does it mean occupation of when I am lodging my visa.. I have emailed UK office but no reply yet!!! Thanks Alix


(I am wanting to come in September 2015 btw)

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You're a student. You put down 'student'.


They don't want to know what occupation you might have in 6 months, 12 months, the day you graduate or the day you arrive in Australia. They want to know your occupation at the time of application. Which is now.


Just put down 'student'. No-one cares anyway. It's only used for statistics.

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