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IELTS sat yesterday, anyone else? - fingers crossed


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Sat my general IELTS yesterday in Southampton, I am hoping to score 8 but I will settle for a 7. I was the only British person there so hopefully nobody else applying for an Australian visa, increase my chances.


The only 2 bits I am unsure about how I did was the writing and speaking tasks!


Anyone else sit theirs yesterday? Only until the 19th to find out results, gulp:arghh:

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The IELTs requires lots of prep to get your head around the format.... My hubby has sat 3 times and gets 8.5 speaking, 7.5 writing and then falls flat on his reading and listening getting 6.5 for listening and 6 for reading.... Its soooo frustrating and costly lol!! But its not easy to focus with coughing and spluttering going on and people leaving for toilet breaks. He also says they dont provide any break or tea which is all you sometimes need to feel human.... We have tried a local tutor but they specialise in the speaking and writing which many seem to because i guess theyre supposed to be the most tricky??!!!

Hubby says the speaking isnt about your extensive intelligence its just how you say your answer ie if you dont understand a term, just ask to have it clarified because its your ability to communicate not your Politician skills!!! Good luck to you all im praying for a new year miracle... Hoping that the xmas break will help his focus and give him time to read as much as possible to practise!!

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Good Luck and hope your results come quickly. I was convinced I had failed so if you start doubting yourself nearer to the results dont give up hope.


These tests are harder than people make out. I was talking to some of the foreigners that were sitting their test for entry to university and they nearly cried when they found out I needed 8s.

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