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Travelling Light! - Tips for keeping within kg allowance


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Hi all


I am traveling back to England in a week. I have just found out to my horror that i only have 20kg checked baggage allowance :arghh:


So, please share with me your best tips for traveling light! (Sadly big coats and jumpers will be required as all of my stuff is here.) I have 7kg hand luggage allowance which I intend to make to most of!



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Avoid shoes and toiletries as they weigh loads. Just pack one good pair of shoes/boots (its forcast snow next week) that go with everything. Then pop into bodycare when you get here to stock up on toiletries, pretty much everything is £1 in there so wont cost much. Wear your big coat and heaviest jumper to travel in if you can stand it, then pack the lighter stuff, 20kgs is a lot for just clothes :cute:

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Layers! Put everything you want to take on the bed then work out what will give you the best layering capacity - you don't have to have big bulky things to be warm here! When you arrive, pop down to M&S and invest in some light weight thermal tops and leggings if you are so inclined. One spare pair of shoes should be enough (travel in the bulkiest pair) and if you must take a bulky coat, wear it on the plane. I always backpack and usually get plenty in and keep it under 20kg (Qantas gave me 23kg the other day but even with books and a whole load of other non clothes stuff it was only 15kg in both directions). Packing cells are my new favourite things!

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Guest littlesarah

I always stick to one colour palette - in fact, I mostly take black & white, with one or two other colours (usually cardis, a vest top or two and possibly some jewellery). Definitely layers - which works well with central heating as well. Also, if you're staying with family and/or friends you could probably take only a week's worth of clothing and wash your clothes regularly. I don't worry about bulk - it's mass that I concern myself with, and with that in mind I'd say think about the weight of your bag/case. Most of the big suitcases you can buy fit in way more stuff than you can take within even the most generous baggage allowance. I also only take enough toiletries to last for the first couple of days and buy what I need when I get there. I don't take a fancy toilet bag - a plain one made of lightweight fabric (that I now leave at my parents' house).


On our last trip, for me, hubby and our 8 month old baby, our return checked baggage was 3 bags, but not one came in at over 20kg (and that included lots of presents for the little one). My 'personal best' is 14kg checked baggage for a solo trip. For me, the key is being careful to choose clothes that all go together rather than packing individual 'outfits'.

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