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Does De-Facto have to do anything??


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Hi all, So i'm in Oz and my girlfriend is in the UK, while prepping for applying for the visa(189) I'm wondering if my de-facto has to do anything?


Im assuming no ielts or skills assesment but what about medicals etc etc?


Also, once I get my invitation to apply and put in my app, do i have to wait for the visa to be granted for her to come here or is there ways of getting this sorted?


Any info appreciated.



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It was only meant to be a short term thing but it has been over a year. She travelled back to the UK as her father was terminally ill and has since passed away. Do you think this would be a big issue. I have travelled back a number of times and we have a lot of "proof" of our ongoing relationship.

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You typically need to provide evidence of being in a de facto relationship for the 12 months prior to lodging the application, and any separation should be temporary. If you've been apart far longer than you've been together, you may have some challenges. It may be a good idea to speak with a migration agent about this aspect of your application.

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Hi there! I had quite the same issue as you. I'm applying offshore in Mauritius, while my partner is in Oz on a working holiday visa. We've been doing this long distance relationship because my student visa expired. We have lodged our application though, and are waiting to be allocated a case officer. She must prove she has functional English, but since she is from UK, no need to do it. However after lodging your application, you will be provided with HAP ids for both of you. She can then do her medicals in the UK,and you do yours here. It should quicken the process, insteas of waiting for the CO to ask for it afterwards. Moreover, do prepare all de facto information, including proofs of your relationship despite the separation and especially why it happened. You should provide them with all the details accordingly, once you're invited. In addition, since you are onshore, you will be granted a bridging visa (whereby no travel outside Oz will be allowed, unless you apply for anothet bridging visa). However unless she has another visa, she won't be granted the bridging visa, since she's offshore. Hope it helps!! :)

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