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A country with a great immigration policy.

Guest Guest 47403

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Great thread Baz. How are your other attempts to ingratiate yourself with your new country-folk/ suck up to the right-wingers on here going?

Still a 'Socialist?' The last time I checked, that word didn't mean congratulating a Conservative PM for locking up innocent people in off-shore detention for the crime of seeking asylum.

Still, it means more space for Brits who've patiently waited for their time in the sun and who aren't 'queue-jumpers' eh?


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Guest Guest 47403
Great thread Baz. How are your other attempts to ingratiate yourself with your new country-folk/ suck up to the right-wingers on here going?

Still a 'Socialist?' The last time I checked, that word didn't mean congratulating a Conservative PM for locking up innocent people in off-shore detention for the crime of seeking asylum.

Still, it means more space for Brits who've patiently waited for their time in the sun and who aren't 'queue-jumpers' eh?




Suck up to the right wingers :laugh::laugh: will NEVER happen, I think due to where i was brought up i have formed my own political opinions and not had that unwavering right/left drilled in to me so can see the best without political allegiance

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Guest littlesarah
This is great news as much as Abbot is a complete tosser the one area he is on the ball is immigration/illegal immigrants etc. Illegal immigrants should not be able to transit safe countries just to get to a preferred destination...........good onya toni :wink:




1. Since when has Indonesia been considered safe? (http://www.hrw.org/world-report/2014/country-chapters/indonesia?page=1 - p.3 refers specifically to refugees)


2. Seeking asylum is not considered illegal under international law (to which Australia is a signatory). Why so much fuss over refugees, when there are so many people here overstaying their visas? Such individuals work without paying tax, and are more likely to be exploited in the course of their work. But because many are white Europeans they're not visible and the same people that are verging on hysterical about a relatively small number of refugees seem untroubled by other illegal immigrants.


Personally, I find the way in which people seeking asylum are so often portrayed and vilified to be objectionable in the extreme. Regardless of whether a person's claim is found to be genuine, I believe we should respond with compassion in the first instance rather than making all manner of negative assumptions.

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Great thread Baz. How are your other attempts to ingratiate yourself with your new country-folk/ suck up to the right-wingers on here going?

Still a 'Socialist?' The last time I checked, that word didn't mean congratulating a Conservative PM for locking up innocent people in off-shore detention for the crime of seeking asylum.

Still, it means more space for Brits who've patiently waited for their time in the sun and who aren't 'queue-jumpers' eh?



I guess he jumped gangs and moved over to the unmentionables. Probably thought he'd gain the populist vote and gain lots of new friends? Although I never ever picked up on his socialist credentials. As they say with every barrel ......

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1. Since when has Indonesia been considered safe? (http://www.hrw.org/world-report/2014/country-chapters/indonesia?page=1 - p.3 refers specifically to refugees)


2. Seeking asylum is not considered illegal under international law (to which Australia is a signatory). Why so much fuss over refugees, when there are so many people here overstaying their visas? Such individuals work without paying tax, and are more likely to be exploited in the course of their work. But because many are white Europeans they're not visible and the same people that are verging on hysterical about a relatively small number of refugees seem untroubled by other illegal immigrants.


Personally, I find the way in which people seeking asylum are so often portrayed and vilified to be objectionable in the extreme. Regardless of whether a person's claim is found to be genuine, I believe we should respond with compassion in the first instance rather than making all manner of negative assumptions.


You can and should repeat that at every instance. It won't change the manipulated minds of the haters, whose actual reasons are generally more sinister than given, bad they mustn't be allowed to take dominance on any forum or public stage in my opinion which allows them to rationalise the hatred span.

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This is great news as much as Abbot is a complete tosser the one area he is on the ball is immigration/illegal immigrants etc. Illegal immigrants should not be able to transit safe countries just to get to a preferred destination...........good onya toni :wink:




Nothing great. Just another ideological stance by a morally bankrupt government. Not to say what it will do to relations with Indonesia.

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