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Family Sponsored 489 visa.


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For a Family sponsored 489, your occupation must be on the SOL and your relative must live in a 'Designated area' of Australia - the entire ACT is a designated area. A condition of the visa is that you must live and work in a designated area for at least 2 years. After living in a designated area for 2 years and working full time for 1 year, you can apply for an 887 permanent visa.


If your occuaption is not on the SOL, your only chance of a points tested visa is one with state sponsorship.


Only a relatively small number of Family Sponsored 489 visas are available in each invitation round and if you have only 60 points, you can probably expect a fairly long wait to get an invitation.

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Thanks Ozmaniac for your response. My husband is in Australia his occupation is on the CSOL. Can his sister be his sponsor for the 489 visa subclass in ACT. Because i read on the ACT website that state does not have access to 489subclass visas. Don't know what that means.


He is doing his Masters currently, not too sure if we can claim points for his degree once he finishes. We are 5 points short for the subclass 190.


IELTS are done. Vetassess is completed.

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Hii Ozmaniac

Do you have any knowledge how i can bring my daughter to australia She is one year old born in India . I am holder of visa 489. please help me . My agent is saying i have to sponsor her . But immigration guys says i do not need to sponsor . Please help me.

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Thanks Ozmaniac for your response. My husband is in Australia his occupation is on the CSOL. Can his sister be his sponsor for the 489 visa subclass.


He is doing his Masters currently, not too sure if we can claim points for his degree once he finishes. We are 5 points short for the subclass 190

If his occupation is only on the CSOL and not on the SOL, he is not eligible to be sponsored by his sister for a 489.


If he is only 5 points short for a 190, how many points for English is he claiming? If he is is claiming less than 20 for Superior English, re-doing IELTS is the best way to increase his points. But of course, his occupation still needs to be on a state list before he can apply for a 190.

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You will need to check what the conditions are for SA. The most common is that a job offer has been made.


you may find the only options are to either look for a job, which would probably be a 457 visa and you would need to go into that fully understanding what that means (there are serious negative impacts).

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If his occupation is only on the CSOL, doing IELTS is pointless if his occupation isn't on a state list or if he can't meet the conditions imposed by a state that has it listed. If he can't meet the conditions for a state sponsored visa, the only alternative is an employer sponsored visa.

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We seem to be going around in circles here. Points have nothing to do with your eligibility for state sponsorship beyond the fact that you must have 60 points in order to be eligible for whatever state sponsored visa you wish to apply for - having any more than 60 points provides no benefit. If he wants a 190, doing IELTS for 20 points is worthwhile only if it gets him to 60 without needing the 10 points for specified area (489) nomination.


The occupation is only on the SA SNOL but is designated as 'Special Conditions apply'. See "Special conditions apply" on the following for details of what is required to get sponsorship for an occupation with that designation:



It looks like your best bet may be to try for an ACT nomination on the basis of your husband's sister being resident there but she would NOT be sponsoring him. The ACT info on 'Closed occupations' states:

Closed Occupations. You may be eligible to apply for ACT nomination if you have close ties (job offer or family) to Canberra and you meet the nomination criteria.

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Hi, I wrote to the ACT department for clarification and the below is what i received


The ACT government does not nominate under the 489. However, relatives can sponsor.


Pin which case ACT is out. It is not the state that assesses applicants (the state provides the sponsorship where applicable). It is DIAC. Which is a federal organisation and will apply the rules regardless of state wishes. So, as you do not meet the federal DIAC criteria for Family sponsorship, you can not use ACT.

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You've misunderstood what they are saying. The ACT only nominates applicants for 190 visas - unlike the other states/territories, they don't sponsor anyone for 489 State Sponsored visas. When they say that relatives can sponsor people for 489s, they are talking about 489 Family sponsored visas (nothing to do with state sponsorship) and for that, the applicant's occupation MUST be on the SOL. Your husband's occupation is NOT on the SOL so a family sponsored visa is out of the question for him.


If however you read my last post (#14) on this thread, because your husband has a sister in the ACT, it may be possible for him to apply to the ACT for nomination for a 190 even though his is a closed occupation but he will only get 5 points for a 190 nomination so may need to do IELTS to get to 60 points.

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