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489 skilled visa


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Hi everyone. Can anyone answer my question please? I have looked and can't find where it's stated so hopefully you knowledgeable folk will know.


When you are granted a 489 skilled visa how long do you have to move over?

I know with 189 you have 1year to activate then 5 years to make the move but I am assuming 489 is different. Do any of you know please ? Xx

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Wow that's not long is it? 4 months to activate.

I know I will not be able to travel over to activate and then return to UK due to finances. Thanks for replying. Is this due to when you had police checks and medicals or is the time reduced due to visa?

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489 is valid for 4 years from date of grant and will usually have 12 months from earliest date of Medicals or police checks to validate. Tinaisrar circumstances are different hence why she has only 6 months.


The 489 does not have the same flexibility as PR visas as you need to meet the requirements for the 887PR when the 489 is still valid. It use to be possible to be able To get 1 one year extension for the 489 but not sure is this is still possible. So the latest you could move would be 2 years before visa expires, compared to 189 you could move just before it expires and still be PR.

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