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Advice on Subclass 309 Visa


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I am an aussie and my wife is British. We will be applying for her subclass 309 visa through the Australian High Commission in London in the next month.


The question I have is any advice on the process or any recommendations for using an agent or not. Not sure whether to use an agent, but I guess it will save mistakes being made in the process. Also I expect it will take some time, maybe 6-9 months so we both just keep working in the the meantime.


Any advice would be great on this process? Since the spouse/309 visa is a bit unique and not a highly skilled visa I find less information on the internet about it.




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If your application is straightforward there is no need to use an agent. I did my own application and at first it seemed very daunting, but honestly once I got started it was quite easy. I think the processing time is about 14 months now. There are lots of very helpful people on here who will answer any questions you have. Go for it!

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I successfully applied without an agent - it's not difficult. If you are good with paperwork/organisation, you shouldn't struggle. Make sure you read or print the checklist and also the very long guidance booklet.


Let me know if you have any questions!


EDIT: You've looked at this page, presumably? http://www.immi.gov.au/visas/pages/309-100.aspx

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The hardest part of the partner visa is getting all the evidence together, which you would still have to do even if you used a visa. Unless you have something that makes your application difficult (like step children you want to migrate with you or health issues) there is very little value a migration agent can offer. Down load the booklet and forms from the immigration site and just work your way through it. It does seem daunting at first but it's not that bad once you get in to it.

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