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Am I the only one scared of ebola?

Ali B

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So I'm supposed to fly through Doha to Europe in mid Nov and scared stiff. Doha is a hub that connects all of Africa to Europe Asia America. BBC World News today is saying the current cases could triple in next few weeks. Am I the only one scared? Should I fly?


How do we get Governments to DO something? Do we want someone like Abbott at the helm if it spreads?


"WHO warns number of infections could triple by November unless efforts stepped up.

(Updated about 2 hours ago, Tue 23 Sep 2014, 5:58pm




The World Health Organisation (WHO) said the deadliest Ebola epidemic in history had now killed 2,811, while 5,864 cases had been reported in five West African countries as of September 18."




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Do some research and take sensible precautions - I listened to this podcast the other day http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/how-ebola-works/ and it seems like one of the reasons it's so hard to stop the spread is because of the customs in the countries affected in dealing with their dead. I'd make sure I had some of that hand sanitizer and cleanse my hands after touching any door handles, railings etc. Better to be conscious of it and wary than over confident and blase I think.

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Do some research and take sensible precautions - I listened to this podcast the other day http://www.stuffyoushouldknow.com/podcasts/how-ebola-works/ and it seems like one of the reasons it's so hard to stop the spread is because of the customs in the countries affected in dealing with their dead. I'd make sure I had some of that hand sanitizer and cleanse my hands after touching any door handles, railings etc. Better to be conscious of it and wary than over confident and blase I think.

I LOVE all those podcasts! There was an Ebola one from stuff to blow your mind too I think.

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My husband keeps putting doomsday programmes on telly, doesn't help. Saw a report that said we are all in the poo if it mutates to airborne. At some stage just as it mutated from bushmeat to humans, it'll mutate from fluids to airborne. The more people who get the virus the bigger the biological/genetic probability that it will. So we don't want figure to triple anytime before they find an anti-viral antidote.

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Guest littlesarah

Actually, an academic (in population health) on ABC local radio the other day pointed out that developed countries are well equipped to deal with Ebola - we have health surveillance and isolation facilities. He stated outright that he's more concerned about influenza.

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Guest littlesarah
My husband keeps putting doomsday programmes on telly, doesn't help. Saw a report that said we are all in the poo if it mutates to airborne. At some stage just as it mutated from bushmeat to humans, it'll mutate from fluids to airborne. The more people who get the virus the bigger the biological/genetic probability that it will. So we don't want figure to triple anytime before they find an anti-viral antidote.


It's about mode of transmission, though, really. Are humans likely to be preparing other humans to eat (which is how it is thought to be transmitted from animals to humans, as the virus is present in blood and body fluid)?! It already spreads human-to-human by that means, which is how health workers and those involved in preparing bodies become infected.


The nature of influenza makes that illness a much greater threat, from what I understand - because it is so easily transmitted even during the incubation period, and because it rapidly mutates (hence the updated vaccine every year).


A lot of the doomsday-type programmes appear to contain very little credible science as they are produced solely to pander to the appetite of those who like to scare themselves.


Here's a WHO factsheet (haven't read it so can't promise it is all sunshine & roses, but it will contain information based on the available scientific evidence): http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs103/en/

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