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Occupational Therapist needs advice

Deanne Calvert

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Hello all


Im an Occupational Therapist in the UK. Im currently applying for the skilled independent visa and hoping to be in Oz early next year. I was wondering how easy it is to find a company who will employ me and assist me to complete the stage 2 practice audit for my registration? does this put people off employing you if you only have provisional registration? I'm hoping to move to the sunshine coast which is where the rest of my family are currently living.....any advice would be greatly appreciated!! :)

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Hi Deanne, I've no particular advice at the moment as I'm looking into it myself and keeping fingers crossed! I will let you know if I come upon any useful info or advice. I am also thinking about a sideline in order to earn money if we get out there and I can't get a job as an OT for a while- maybe doing some Barista training!! From what I've picked up if you're prepared to head into the more remote places you may be more likely to get a position prepared to supervise you. Maybe things will be different in a year or so, but I doubt it. Keep me posted!

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After we have completed the 6 months supervised practice do we then have to quit our job whilst we wait for the full registration to come through? I've just been reading that it is taking months to get the reg authorised...this seams a bit ludicrous!?!


Hello Deanne

It probably depends on your OT skill base. You could be supervised within context of an injury management company. You could work as a rehab case manager for Employment Service or A Not for Profit...or for an insurance company. There are options.

If you would like to PM me feel free.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi all,


I am currently completing my stage 2 supervised pratice in Aus...


It is difficult to find employers who will take you on without registration (you cant apply for limited registration until an offer of employment has been made) however it is possible!


When applying for jobs, email the manager to enquire to save lots of time applying for jobs where they wont consider you


Once you have limited registration you have it for one year, so my thinking is you can continue to work in that job as you sort out general registration


Good luck

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  • 11 months later...
hi, is it possible to ask where did you finish your stage 2?looking for employer for my nephew and we are losing hope. thank you


Hello Yang

it would be helpful if you outlined your nephews experience and which state he intends to move to.

As a previous post mentioned, target rural areas.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
My company does the stage two practice audit as they did for me.


We are a national aged care company. Pm me if interested.


Kind Regards,





Hi Kellea,


Sorry, I am new to this forum and do not have a clue how to PM you...


I am also an OT and I am currently going through my skills assessment. I have seen a lot that people struggle to find employers who will help them through the Stage 2 Audit. When I come out, I am willing to go wherever an employer will help me through this so that I can get my full registration. What company do you work for?


You can always PM me and I will see if I can find it... haha


Any help you could give me will be great!



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