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Child Car Seats in Oz


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I am currently based in the UK and will be moving to Brisbane next June with my husband. I am currently pregnant and will be delivering in the UK with the baby being 4 months old when we make the move. My sister-in-law who lives in Sydney has highlighted to me that not all the car seats that are approved in the UK are also approved in Australia. I was planning on getting a maxi-cosi cabriofix or pebble which would both work with the pram I'm planning on getting.

I would be grateful of any help anyone can offer me.

Many thanks!


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We are about to move back to the UK with a 6yo who was born here. I'm assuming it's the same in the UK but there are loads of places over here that hire out the baby capsules that you need for a 0-8 month old as nobody buys them. When you get here, there are lots of places that make a fortune selling all the infant car seats. There are several specialist places but stores like Kmart and Target are everywhere and are selling 2/3rds of the same brands for a lot less.


You might not like the idea but it would be worth considering ebay or Gumtree when you are looking for a baby seat. Once my son grew out of the infant seat my wife had researched and decided on (that cost us AU$350), i could not give it away. Nobody wants a 2nd hand baby seat. It was in perfect condition, no stains, marks or issues. We ended up giving it to a charity shop as we just could not sell it for any money.


Just my 2c worth

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I didn't know that. What a shame, it was a perfectly good seat that i trusted with my own child's life up until the day he simply grew too big for it



I agree, it is a real shame. I was given a seat by a friend whose son had outgrown it and it was beautiful. I guess though that the risk just can't be taken.

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Hi jess


I live in London and moving over to Brisbane in January. I'm married to an Ozzie and we go over every year so know a bit about babies in Oz! And as it's been said no car seat that comes from Uk can be used in Oz. I too have the maxi cosi cabrio- its a great car seat and works fab with my icandy. But in Oz they have these strange car seats for babies that look more like shopping baskets. They're a real pain especially when you want up get a sleeping baby out of them. They wake up every time! But it is what it is!



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We are about to move back to the UK with a 6yo who was born here. I'm assuming it's the same in the UK but there are loads of places over here that hire out the baby capsules that you need for a 0-8 month old as nobody buys them. When you get here, there are lots of places that make a fortune selling all the infant car seats. There are several specialist places but stores like Kmart and Target are everywhere and are selling 2/3rds of the same brands for a lot less.


You might not like the idea but it would be worth considering ebay or Gumtree when you are looking for a baby seat. Once my son grew out of the infant seat my wife had researched and decided on (that cost us AU$350), i could not give it away. Nobody wants a 2nd hand baby seat. It was in perfect condition, no stains, marks or issues. We ended up giving it to a charity shop as we just could not sell it for any money.


Just my 2c worth

In the UK it is recommended that you never buy a 2nd hand car seat unless you know it's full history, as car seat that has been in an accident shouldn't be used. Most insurance companies will pay to replace all car seats in your car if you,have been in an accident. I have heard that so e people instead of cutting the straps and putting the old seats in the skip have then resold them on places like ebay or gumtree. Even if they look ok, you can't tell if the seat would be safe if it was in another accident.

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