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Obtaining a PR visa with ankylosing spondylitis


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Dear all. I wonder if anyone can help who has had a similar experience. My wife has been offered a job in Australia and can apply for a visa under the code 186 sponsored nomination visa. We are just awaiting our code before we can apply but I am very worried about the medical. I would be going within her PR visa as her spouse. I am 36 and in my early 20s I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis which is a form of arthritis. Apart from the odd pack of over the counter pain killers I have not been on any medication for any long period of time and in fact haven't taken any medication for the last few years. I am not very flexible but have maintained an active job for the last 12 years, never taken a days sick in relation to AS and am fit enough to have ran two london marathons. However.... As ever google can be the place of doom! And I have read many reports of people having PR visas refused because of the condition. Are there any success stories out there to give me confidence?? Also, can you undertake the medical prior to paying out the large visa application fees? Help!!

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Hi - feel your pain - literally! I have been diagnosed with AS for over 10 years, but again dont have any prescription meds and am a regular runner (although no more than a half marathon!!!)... I have my medicals for a 190 visa this friday - will let you know how it goes.

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Many thanks for your reply.... Will be VERY interested to know how you get on and the doctors reaction to hearing you have AS. (I can be contacted via pm if you'd prefer it to remain private) I'm hoping they take in to account the impact on daily life now rather than just seeing the words AS and making a judgement! Really please to have found someone in similar circumstances..... I really hope it goes well for you and GOOD LUCK! Look forward to hearing from you. Cheers.

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Thanks - its this friday at 3:30, so we'll see how we do!


I think it 'should' be fine, i get the impression its about assessing potential impact on the Oz healthcare system, and i have a fairly mild condition that is managed by regular exercise.... so i am hoping its just a box ticking exercise.

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My OH had cancer in 2010, obviously we were worried about this with regards to the medicals. We spoke to the agent who, though she couldn't confirm it, Thought that due to the fact that my wife wasn't on any medication now, that it would probably be ok, because they are more interested in long term health care costs and expensive medication.. We had our visa granted on the 14th August, direct grant, didn't even get referred or asked for more info.. Though we were very honest about it and supplied as much info as possible including a letter from her oncologist saying that she was fine etc.. Not a definitive answer but hope it helps.. :)

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Thank you for your reply 'nearlythere1' obviously really sorry to hear about your OH having had cancer.... but very pleased to hear that you are both got visas! - Its a worrying time because obviously its all we think about now and you just wish a doctor could spend a day with you to see you live a normal life rather than just read words on paper!!

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I'm not sure if it will even be an issue for you. From what I remember of the medical questionnaire it was quite specific.. IE; Have you had cancer in the last 5 years? Have you been diagnosed with TB at all ever? Have been in contact with anyone with TB? Have you had any major operations in the last 5 years? Have you been diagnosed with HIV? That sort of thing... I don't remember it saying anywhere; What have you got wrong with you? And the medical examination was more about peeing in a cup and taking bloods for Diabetes and HIV etc.. Maybe someone with more recent experience of the meds questionnaire may be able to shed a bit more light on it? :)

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Paid the fees and waited for the Case Officer to request medicals. Decided that based on this:

"The panel physician who conducts your health examination will not provide an opinion on your ability to meet the health requirement. The panel physician is only required to record the results of your health examination and provide a recommendation regarding the status of your health."


so figured we would go through the process regardless...

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Thank you both for your replies... Such a fantastic opportunity if I can get through this medical!...


KEVSAN: I shall Look forward to hearing about your experience with the doctor when you have your medical and once again, all the very best...

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Dear all. I wonder if anyone can help who has had a similar experience. My wife has been offered a job in Australia and can apply for a visa under the code 186 sponsored nomination visa. We are just awaiting our code before we can apply but I am very worried about the medical. I would be going within her PR visa as her spouse. I am 36 and in my early 20s I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis which is a form of arthritis. Apart from the odd pack of over the counter pain killers I have not been on any medication for any long period of time and in fact haven't taken any medication for the last few years. I am not very flexible but have maintained an active job for the last 12 years, never taken a days sick in relation to AS and am fit enough to have ran two london marathons. However.... As ever google can be the place of doom! And I have read many reports of people having PR visas refused because of the condition. Are there any success stories out there to give me confidence?? Also, can you undertake the medical prior to paying out the large visa application fees? Help!!


Have you really read many stories of visa refusals? Or have you read many stories about people worrying about medicals? Because I once looked it up and the number of medicals refused in a year is absolutely miniscule. But people do worry about the medicals a lot and more than they need to. I still think it is a good idea to consult an agent when there are medical issues, but try not to stress yourself out over this.

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Thank you for your post pumpkin... I have read various internet pages of mainly people worrying but as with most things on the internet, people don't normally post good news!!! I have discovered that there is no hard and fast rule and each person judged on their own merits/conditions...Thank you for the advice.

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All appeared to go pretty well... blood test, height, weight, blood pressure and pee in a cup with the nurse. Then a chest xray, and then a physical with the doc, bit of poking and prodding and a quick chat over medical history. Mentioned AS and he didnt think a problem. He will need to write to my GP and request details but thought that would provide enough answers for DIBP.


Took 2.5 hours for the 4 of us though!

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Kevsan: Really pleased to hear you are happy with the way it went!! - Its also reassuring that the doctor didnt panic upon hearing the words "AS"!! - Did you have your medical in London by any chance? If so, do you mind if I ask how much it cost you?

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Hi - no Birmingham... was closer. Prices seem to be much of a muchness...


[h=2]Prices for Australian visa health examinations at Spire Little Aston[/h][TABLE=width: 100%]


[TD=bgcolor: #e0eeee] Australian Adult Medical (15+ Permanent)[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #e0eeee] £320[/TD]



[TD] Australian Child medical (11-14)[/TD]

[TD] £215[/TD]



[TD=bgcolor: #e0eeee] Australian Medical ( Under 11)[/TD]

[TD=bgcolor: #e0eeee] £105[/TD]



[TD]Australian Medical (Under 5)[/TD]

[TD] £75[/TD]





The following link lists the panel doctors in the UK, http://www.immi.gov.au/Help/Locations/Pages/United-Kingdom.aspx and we just chose the easiest to get to.

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  • 2 years later...

Hi - yes not problems at all, been here 2 years in August, other than me bringing it up in the medical it has never come up.


In fact, i haven't given my AS a 2nd thought since being here. Whether its psychological or something in the water!, havent had a flare up or pain that i can recollect since being here. We are definitely more active, what with my Kayaks, Paddleboards and part of a running group so that obviously has a contribution.

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  • 8 months later...
On 04/09/2014 at 17:53, Marts14 said:

Dear all. I wonder if anyone can help who has had a similar experience. My wife has been offered a job in Australia and can apply for a visa under the code 186 sponsored nomination visa. We are just awaiting our code before we can apply but I am very worried about the medical. I would be going within her PR visa as her spouse. I am 36 and in my early 20s I was diagnosed with ankylosing spondylitis which is a form of arthritis. Apart from the odd pack of over the counter pain killers I have not been on any medication for any long period of time and in fact haven't taken any medication for the last few years. I am not very flexible but have maintained an active job for the last 12 years, never taken a days sick in relation to AS and am fit enough to have ran two london marathons. However.... As ever google can be the place of doom! And I have read many reports of people having PR visas refused because of the condition. Are there any success stories out there to give me confidence?? Also, can you undertake the medical prior to paying out the large visa application fees? Help!!

I know it's a long time ago. What was the PR outcome? I am in the same boat. 

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  • 3 months later...
On 07/03/2017 at 00:28, kevsan said:

Hi - yes not problems at all, been here 2 years in August, other than me bringing it up in the medical it has never come up.


In fact, i haven't given my AS a 2nd thought since being here. Whether its psychological or something in the water!, havent had a flare up or pain that i can recollect since being here. We are definitely more active, what with my Kayaks, Paddleboards and part of a running group so that obviously has a contribution.

Hi Kevsan,

good news to hear you are in Oz with your AS, did you say you aren't on any treatment prior to your application? I was diagnosed with AS this Week, however we've been researching and planning our move around 9 months. The downside of the news i got was i will have to go onto Anti-TNF's, it's an expensive drug so you can understand my worry. Our consultant from Manchester told us if its a risk to the Australian public or high cost to medicare, you're more than likely to get refused on a Skilled 189 Visa. 

How did you actually get on, It sounds like you weren't refused, all though I've spoken to someone who was refused but got over there on a waiver due to her husband being sponsered. 




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No - i was upfront with the Doctor who did the medical - listed the NSAIDs that i was on at the time - he made notes and that was the end of any conversation or details about any specifics, and its never come up since. We've been here nearly 3 years and haven't had a problem - but then i was a pretty mild case. Its only recently i've had a flair up and have had to go back onto a course of drugs and also got referred to physio.

Sorry to hear of your diagnosis - its not the end of the road. Anti-TNF's are expensive, but are covered by the PBS (Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme) to reduce the costs. I havent heard of anyone being refused, but it MIGHT be taken into account. Not sure what risks your consultant think it poses... but Australia want migrants that are a net contributor rather than a burden. If you are not so incapacitated that you can work, i dont see a problem.

Its all anecdotal, but being here has been positively beneficial to me, and only recently had a minor flare up after being 'clear' for more than 2 years. Whether thats lifestyle, climate, outlook or a combination or completely unrelated, who knows.

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