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Student visa/457


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Hey everyone,


I'm currently on my second student visa studying Business Management. Whilst working part time my company have decided to sponsor me.

I am going through a lawyer and the company have just been approved to sponsor people.


My lawyer is just about to submit my personal nomination but i'm just quite concerned (to the point it's making me a bit sick with worry :( )

Basically, I have failed this semester (haven't handed assessments in). Is this going to impact on me getting my 457 or is it seperate? Please someone give me some positive news because I'm driving myself crazy!


Thanks :)

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It's quite possible your student visa will be cancelled, but there's no telling how long the school will take to get around to doing that. Keep your fingers crossed that your 457 is approved before that happens. If your student visa is cancelled AFTER your 457 application goes in but BEFORE it is approved, you'll have to go to Immi and get a Bridging Visa E to keep you in the country until your 457 is approved. This has no work rights, no study rights and no travel rights (and no ability to apply for travel rights. You can apply to be able to work if you can demonstrate serious financial hardship, but it's not a guarantee). Once your 457 is approved, it will override whichever visa you are on - student visa or BVE - and you'll be able to work for your employer. The student visa being cancelled may not keep you from getting your 457, but you will want to talk to your migration agent/lawyer if your student visa is cancelled before your 457 is approved, as you may need to submit something additional to Immi.

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Thank you! I'm basically worried immigration will see I have failed/my school will report me and they will deny my 457. I'm not overly worried my student visa will get cancelled because there has always been the option to retake in the past (at an additional fee of course). Not sure if I'm making sense lol. I'm just being paranoid because i'm so stressed out with it all!

My lawyer will be launching my nomination on Friday this week, do you know roughly how long it takes? This semester is up at the end of next week, with a four week break, term commencing again around the third week in october.

Thanks again for your help

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Thanks Blossom.

My attendance has always been about 75% but never got in trouble.. had warning letters from school but when it came to meetings and things nothing happened.

Well I completed most of the subjects in Cert 2, completed all of cert 3, most of cert 4, and this is the first semester of the diploma but i have sent my lawyer what i've done so far and he hasn't mentioned anything else. I'm just freaking out as i didn't submit one assessment this term so basically have done nothing for 8 weeks.


If worse came to absolute worse and i did lose my student visa before my 457, could i leave the country and come back? everyone I've asked says i'm over thinking it and being paranoid because i'm so stressed but i don't know :(


Thanks again for your post.

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If your student visa gets cancelled before the 457 is applied for then you must leave the country. It isn't a quick process though. You go for interviews etc.

Why not save yourself the stress and just do some more of the work?

Your 457 is not guaranteed, best to keep your options open.

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