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nsw or perth?


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Hi everyone,

My husband and I along with our now 16 month old and 3 and 1/2 year are hoping to move to oz next July. Luckily we will have good job opportunities in quite a few locations. Our NSW options would be Newcastle/ Wollongong or else we could get work in Mandurah/ Joondalup. Perth is very attractive to us but Im worried it will be roasting in summer. Ive read that you cannot go outside from 12-4? We love the outdoors and that is one of our reasons for going but Im not adverse to greenery and the odd bit of rain ( we're Irish- you might have guessed!!) Overall Perth is winning from a QOL point of view and family aspect but Im interested to know how restricted people are during the summer due to the heat?

Thanks for all your help!

PS. Is it really super expensive? Ive looked into renting etc and know that is more expensive but what about day to day expenses? Childcare/ Groceries etc?

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I'm biased, love the WA summer. It's not crazy hot and there are plenty of outdoor areas that have shaded family areas, BBQs, play areas, parks etc. You usually see Aussie families at the beach with umbrellas or sun tent type things so it's definitely sensible to keep out of the sun, but not necessarily out of the outside!

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we have to work in the heat so of course you can go out in it and tbh you do get used to it and I`m a welder , don't get me wrong you look forward to the cool weather but like everyone else we have now had enough and all looking forward to the proper summer not this spring summer in Perth .....I would go for Perth and be happy for 9 months then experience the Perth winter but to me its a doddle and a lovely cooling off period ................

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There are not that many days in Perth that are too hot that you'd rather stay indoors completely and you do get used to it to that extent that 20 degrees feels cold!


Mandurah would be cooler than Joondalup - partly because it's 50km or so further South and also because you are likely to be able to afford to live closer to the coast which has sea breezes - we headed to a hotel in Mandurah one new year when we couldn't take any more of the heat in Perth. It is also handy for quick escapes further South for cooler weather.


I've only been to Sydney on holiday/business so can't compare but I wouldn't let the weather dictate where you live - as someone now back in Scotland I can tell you there is much more to QOL than that and if Perth is your preferred destination in other ways then I'd choice that. Just make sure those reasons are backed up by hard facts as we fell for a lot of myth and propaganda (no-ones fault but our own - caveat emptor)

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