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Going to the Dogs

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Hello Perth People,


I thought that perhaps we should have a change from the usual type of meet i.e. sitting around in a park/beach - I believe the greyhounds have a good family night (not sure which night or how regular they are) - Any other suggestions for something different?



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I contacted them and they're looking to do a 'club night' (where they have stuff on for the kids too) next month, I'll keep an eye on the website but she mentioned the 24th and 31st being possibilities. Thought it would be a bit different.



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Guest misschief
I think you mean Kwinanna (which is in the oppostite direction) lol - You know when you said we'd go shopping - I think I should drive or we'll get the train :)


Ali x


ROFLMAO you worried Ali? :twitcy:

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lol - I have to say I'm getting used to it - Min told us Neil was going on a course ... yes he was ... but not to the place that Min had said .... She's an absolute star and I love her



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lol - I have to say I'm getting used to it - Min told us Neil was going on a course ... yes he was ... but not to the place that Min had said .... She's an absolute star and I love her



Now hang on one chicken little minute...(don't know why i said that... well actually i do.. cos what i want to say will be censored!!) if memory serves me right it was him who got it wrong not me!!! lol....


anyway... whatever!!!... yes the races will be fine!!


min x:wubclub:

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lol ... Chicken Little ???? I've heard of Stuart Little and Chicken Licken - are they related by chance lol


Back on topic - the lady I spoke to at the track was really nice and said they're hoping the next 'family thing' will have craft stuff for the kids - sounds like a good night.



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Guest Gollywobbler



My mother LOVES dog-racing!!!


She's only been once when a few of us took her to Portsmouth Greyhounds once, some years ago.


She was a shocker. The races were every 15 minutes and no way was Mother doing without a bet on every single race. The minimum stake was 20p per race. She was most disgusted with me for refusing to let her spend more than 20p per race!


She tried the lot! "Shall I bet on the black one or the brindled one? Or both?"


"ONE of them, Mother. I don't care which colour you choose, but NOT both dogs and only 20p, gedditt?"


I'm not sure she even knows about greyhounds in Perth but it would be a job to keep her away from them if she finds out.


The best one I ever went to was in London. Catford Dogs in Doggett Road, Catford. The name and address were irresistible!





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Guest leanneandmark

Went to the Dogs once, Got there and placed a bet whilst all our freinds were getting drinks, THE DOG WAS CALLED ..BLAKE!! and it won us £30!!!!!!!!!!!! Won another £20 through the evening!! Sooooo much fun!! Shame i'm not in Perth!!

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Guest mikerees

Claire and I have been to the dogs in Cannington loads of times! We are going to be out in May and would love to meet up with you all (Claire has booked Cannington Greyhounds for my birthday in July!!)


They do a special offer (on wednesdays I think) where you pay $30.00ish and you get your meal (as much as you can eat) a drink (wine, beer etc..) $10.00 entered in to the punters club that they bet your stake for you, 6 free draws and a chance to win a free meal. Last time we did this I won $400 myself and the punters club won Claire and I $70.00 each - not bad seeing as we only paid $30 each for the night.


You will love it - a really good atmosphere and suitable for all of the family.


See you there


Mike & Claire

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Guest mikerees

Hi ali - sorry for the delay in replying, I've had to actually do some work this week in my job:err:


I think that they will do burgers, hot dogs etc if you want it, but it is mostly a help yourself a la catre menu.


Lots of people with children seem to help themselves and then give the kids some of theirs as oyu can have as much or as little as oyu want. It's also a good way to get the kids to try something new. We took Claire's little cousin there and she had never eaten fish before and wouldn't try it. Now she eats prawns and snapper as if it's going out of fashion.


Not long now - We will be about to land in Perth this time in 4 weeks :biglaugh:


To say this has been a long and ardous road would be an understatement, but BRING IT ON!

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