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Who can certify documents for visa application?


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Hi, hope someone can clarify. Can a solicitor certify documents or does it have to be a magistrates or notary public? Massive cost difference between them!


Thanks in advance for any advice!


A solicitor did mine, he quoted £30 but when I went in the receptionist was out and he couldn't be arsed to do an invoice so said it would be a £10 donation to the biscuit fund.

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Thanks danny842003, great, I need to find a solicitor who is running low on biscuits!! Ha! Hi Kelly, I'm just trying to work out how to keep costs down, was going to duplicate some if the ahpra stuff for visa but each copy costs so if I can use a solicitor I'll just get the stuff I need for ahpra from the notary and a mate of mine is a solicitor who'll do them for nothing, which is great. Kelly have you been invited to apply for your visa yet?

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