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Visa about to expire


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Hi, I'm not familiar with the new rules. But we will investigate - I just wanted to explore the RRV option first. His last employer in oz has said they will take him back anytime so we have that in our favour.


Dont know if a one yr RRV would be much use to you,but the only ties i had to Aus was a job offer,i was granted a one year one,i had never even lived there like you either,i also explained some financial and legal hassles i had over my house after splitting with my ex,basically gave genuine reasons why i hadn't been able to move really,anyway,that journey has ran its course,Aus is over for me now,the hassles and unforeseen obstacles that cropped up in my attempt to move just reaffirmed that life isnt always black and white,good luck anyway,heres hoping you can get a 5 yr RRV

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Dont know if a one yr RRV would be much use to you,but the only ties i had to Aus was a job offer,i was granted a one year one,i had never even lived there like you either,i also explained some financial and legal hassles i had over my house after splitting with my ex,basically gave genuine reasons why i hadn't been able to move really,anyway,that journey has ran its course,Aus is over for me now,the hassles and unforeseen obstacles that cropped up in my attempt to move just reaffirmed that life isnt always black and white,good luck anyway,heres hoping you can get a 5 yr RRV


thats very interesting - we have had some compelling reasons to come back to the UK but I think all we are likely to have as a reason to go back will be a job offer.

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Nerak, please don't feel that you have to explain your decisions or actions over what was a simple request for information. From what I've seen, two years living in Oz would usually mean a five year RRV being granted. Less time spent living in Oz, then anything from a 3 month to a 12 month RRV may be given, if ties etc can be shown. Yes, rules do change all the time and that may be a risk you have to face, but if right now is not the right time to move then so be it, no reasoning required. I know of two posters who activated their visas but never actually moved for various reasons within the five year validity, both were granted a 12 month RRV.

Thanks very much

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