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Living in a different state other than the sponsored state on 190 (SS) visa


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Hello all


I applied under 190 (SS) and received my PR some time back. I have been looking for job opportunities for a while now but though they sponsered me, I don't see many job opportunities though. I know its morally not ethical but I feel like settling down in a different state now as I see many opportunities opening up in other states (which suites my offshore work experience).


Does any one know if I can move to a different state other than the one that sponsered me under this visa (190) ? I couldn't really find any solid information in web. If i can, what is the procedure, do i have to inform any state agency ?


Appreciate any information which will help me to assess my options.

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We are 190 ACT sponsored and every 6 months bang on the day so far they have sent the migration questionaire asking if we still reside there. We don't want to mess up our chances of not getting citizenship by not giving it a try in the territory we live in, anyway you may love it like we do so give it a go.

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Citizenship and the state ssponsorship agreement are not related. You do not need to even hold a PR visa for the first 3 years out of 4 of the citizenship residency requirements, time spent in Australia on visitors visas can be used. Plus there is not visa conditions stating you must stay in the sponsoring state.

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Thanks guys, My main concern was the condition they had when lodging the EOI for the state which read

" I understand that if my state nomination and DIAC GSM visa is approved, I am required to:

1. Remain in South Australia for two years from date of arrival.

2. Register within 14 days of arrival via the on-line registration system.

3. Complete regular online surveys "


I was wondering if this would have an impact on the validity of the visa if I break the commitment.

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